Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Partner Updates

(Copy of Scottish Fire & Rescue Service report attached).


2.            Partner Updates

2.1       NHS Borders

In his update, Employee Director John McLaren firstly explained that he would not be reporting on performance as this was detailed on the website.  Mr McLaren went on to explain that NHS Borders would be attending each of the Area Forums to discuss how best to engage with the Forum to allow more meaningful engagement.  Mr McLaren spoke about the upcoming Staff Awards, which included 13 awards and the Chairman’s Award, 8 of which were being sponsored by Local Businesses.  A press release would be given with regard to the financial plan coming to the Board on 6 April 2017 and the meeting was open to all.  Mr McLaren spoke of the challenging financial year in terms of pay uplifts, apprenticeship levies and the expectation to work joint Boards.  In response to questions in relation to staffing levels, the possible extension to Selkirk Health Centre and Data missing from the Performance Data Website, Mr McLaren agreed to provide information at the next meeting of the Forum.  In response to a question about the admissions of elderly people, being higher than the number of beds available, Mr McLaren explained that there were various ongoing projects looking at the matter and the results would be reported to a future Area Forum. 


2.2       Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

There had been circulated copies of a report to inform the Eildon Area Forum of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service activity since the last forum on 8 December 2016.  Following a summary of Response and Resilience activity the report went on to list and detail areas of partnership working and ongoing Prevention and Protection work in the Eildon area. As in all local stations SFRS staff provided home fire safety visits all year round.  These focussed on identifying and reducing the risks of fire in the home.  Smoke detectors with a 10 year battery life were provided as part of this free service.  Staff were delivering road safety awareness training to students from Borders College.  The year on year initiative delivered during the academic year targeted young drivers and prospective drivers from across the entire Scottish Borders.  SFRS staff would also be supporting the Under 17s Borders Drivewise Project, which would be delivered over 14 days from April to October at Charterhall airfield near Duns.  All 9 secondary schools would be participating.  As a direct result of SFRS working in partnership with TD1 and Community Learning Development delivering the pilot diversionary project a formal contract had been established with a TD1 participant to engage in direct mentoring in employability skills and vocational training, attending Galashiels every Tuesday night with the retained crew.    For Primary 6 pupils, the initiative Firesharp provided face to face education within local primary schools on matters of fire risk and prevention.  Moving into spring the seasonal community safety calendar and thematic action plan would focus on the following areas:- anti-social behaviour; deliberate fire setting; Muirburn Code and Wildfire.  Stephen Mitchell, Station Manager, Galashiels was present at the meeting to answer questions.



NOTED the updates.


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Scottish Borders Council

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