Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Community Council Spotlight

Consider matters of interest to Community Councils.


Mr I Robson, Upper Teviotdale and Borthwick Water, advised that a Police Officer had attended their last Community Council meeting and was pleased to advise that there had only been one incident of theft in the community council area during the period. The Police Officer had also reported on the Forest Watch scheme set up to protect farm machinery overnight.  Mr Robson further advised that many of the road maintenance schemes had been completed. Unfortunately, damage was still occurring and it was hoped that the funding from the Scottish Government could be used to maintain the roads in both Hawick Wards.  The Chairman advised that the Timber Transport Group had been informed of suitable schemes. 


Mr Griffiths, Hobkirk Community Council, advised that wagons were travelling up to 16 hours a day to and from the quarry works.  The vehicles were causing consistent damage to the roads and walls and there appeared to be a lack of control.  Members advised that the issue has also been raised at the meeting of Upper Liddesdale and Hermitage Community Council.  The matter had been referred to SBC’s roads and planning departments, and the Chairman would advised the Community Council when a response had been received.  Mr Griffiths, further advised that another issue was the cost of burial plots at Hobkirk Churchyard.  The charge for the plots had been increased without notification; there was also a question of who owned the land.   The Chairman advised that the increase in charges for all burial plots was in line with Council policy.  The increase was also for the cost of ground maintenance.   With regard to windfarm applications, the Community Council were coordinating their response relating to the Pine Burns’ wind farm application.


            Mr Roberts, Denholm Community Council advised that the Community Council hadbeen actively involved in the Borders Broadband Community Project and signs were positive for the future provision of high speed broadband in the area.  Mr Roberts further advised that the Community Council had been consulted on a planning application to build five new homes at Craigard, Canongate in Denholm.   A site visit had taken place that day and a number of concerns had been raised including the impact on the surroundings the development would have and the inadequate access from the Canongate.    The Community Council had also been consulted on a new phone mast proposal; they were arranging a site visit with the developer to discuss.   Mr Roberts also referred to the increase in fly tipping - a considerable amount of waste had been dumped along the A698 and it was also noted that builders’ rubble had been dumped into the recycling skip.  Mr Roberts went on to discuss a briefing the community council had received on Community Empowerment.  They had been disappointed in the proposals and considered transference of responsibilities a retrograde step without the provision of adequate funding.  Finally, Mr Roberts thanked Councillors Marshall, McAteer and Cranston for their support during their term of office.


            Community Councillor Philip Kerr advised that sadly Ruben Baker had passed away.  Mr Baker had been the ex-chairman of Southdean Community Council.   Mr Kerr further advised that the speeding issue at the crossroads at Chester’s needed addressed as well as the ongoing problem with timber transport.  With regard to wind farms; they were awaiting decisions on Barrel Law, Pines Burn and Highlee.  The National Park proposers would be attending their next meeting and giving a presentation.  Finally, they were participating in the consultation regarding the former Hobkirk Primary School building.


            Mrs Short, Hawick Community Council advised that with regard to dog fouling, the Community Council, with the assistance of outside agencies were promoting the provision of free bags.    Council officers had also been contacted regarding the installation of mental dispensers for the bags.  Mr Dunlop advised that the Council would be providing warning posters and displaying in the hot spot areas of the town.   Mrs Short further advised that their proposal for their windfarm allocation had been submitted and was acceptable.    Hawick Community Council had also received a presentation on community empowerment and shared the concerns of Denholm Community Council.  The community council members were volunteers and did not want devolved powers.   Finally, Morisons had made a donation of £1500 to the Christmas Lights appeal. 




Scottish Borders Council

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