Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Scottish Borders Cycle Tourism Strategy

Consider report by Corporate Transformation and Services Director, giving an update on the consultation process and seeking approval for the Scottish Borders Cycle Tourism Strategy 2016-2021 (copy attached).


6.1       With reference to paragraph 11 of the Minute of 7 June 2016, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Corporate Transformation and Services Director updating Members on the consultation process and seeking approval for the Scottish Borders Cycle Tourism Strategy 2016-2021.  It was explained that the overall aim for the Scottish Borders Cycle Tourism Strategy was to boost the Scottish Borders economy and accelerate the growth of cycling from an events and tourism perspective.  The Scottish Borders was already a recognised destination for cycling in the UK and, in line with the Council’s manifesto ‘Ambitious for the Borders’, the vision was to be seen as one of Britain’s premier destinations for cycling by 2021. A consultation exercise, which invited views from relevant partners, stakeholders and interested groups, resulted in over 70 responses being received.  The draft strategy was subsequently updated and an action plan produced.  The Scottish Borders Cycle Tourism Strategy 2016-2021 was included as Annex 1 to the report with an Action Plan specifically for 2017/2018 set out in Annex 2.  The report also referred to The Tour o’ the Borders closed-road cycling event which was an excellent example of the type of event that could help to raise the profile of cycling in the Scottish Borders.  In discussion with officers the event organisers had confirmed that the race would shift to a new date for next year, 3 September 2017.  This was later than previous years and would now avoid the school holidays.  It also put the event into the ‘shoulder’ months, which helped support a longer season for tourism businesses.




Councillor Edgar left the meeting during the business discussed below.


6.2       Members welcomed the report and Cycle Tourism Strategy.  In the ensuing discussion a distinction was made between support for leisure and event cycling.  Members would like to see infrastructure developed for leisure cycling and suggested where this should be carried out but the significant resource implications were recognised.   It was noted that the Council had identified £57k from Economic Development which could be targeted to support cycling events activity.  However a further £58k would require to be identified from Council and partner sources to deliver actions relating to additional marketing and infrastructure development.  In relation to recommendation (c), Members stressed that the Council should support cycling and cycling events across all areas of the Borders.


Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Bhatia moved as an amendment that the following words be removed from recommendation (c):  ‘and to continue supporting and encouraging this cycle event and others as part of the Cycle Tourism Strategy’ and that a further recommendation (d) be added as follows: Agreed ‘the importance of supporting and encouraging cycle events across the Borders’.  The motion was unanimously agreed. 


6.3       In response to a question about the background to the change of date of the Tour o’ the Borders, Members were advised that this decision had followed consultation with Council officers and with interested parties.



            Councillor Davidson, seconded by Councillor Renton, moved as an amendment that the first word of recommendation (c) be changed from ‘support’ to ‘note’.


            Councillor Cook, seconded by Councillor Brown, moved against this amendment.


            On a show of hands Members voted as follows:

            In favour of the amendment    - 4 votes

            Against the amendment          - 6 votes


            The amendment accordingly fell.





(a)        to approve the Scottish Borders Cycle Tourism Strategy 2016-2021 as set out in Annex 1 to the report;


(b)       to approve the Action Plan for 2017/2018 as set out in Annex 2 to the report and note the actions that were already resourced and those for which resources were still to be identified;


(c)          to support the decision to move the Tour o’ the Borders closed road cycle event to 3 September 2017; and


(d)          the importance of supporting and encouraging cycle events across the Borders.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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