Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Partner Updates

(Copy of Scottish Fire & Rescue Service report attached).


2.1       NHS Borders

In his update, Employee Director John McLaren firstly gave some statistics about waiting times for unscheduled care at the Borders General Hospital.  For the most recent week for which data was available (w/e 27 November 2016) 94.3% patients were seen within 4 hours, which was slightly below the expected target of 95%.  The equivalent figure for the previous week was 89.9%.  Mr McLaren referred to the challenge of delayed discharge from the hospital and the pressures it created.  He explained that delayed discharge was the term given to when a patient was clinically ready to move on to an appropriate care setting but where no such setting was available.  During the w/e 27 November 2016 there were 34 patients unable to be discharged.  The Health and Social Care Integrated Joint Board were carrying out a detailed piece of work to address this challenge.  Mr McLaren went on to explain about the ‘tree of light’ at the Borders General Hospital. NHS Borders were inviting people to dedicate a light on the special Christmas tree outside the Chaplaincy Centre to honour those people who were in their thoughts and memories.  In conclusion of his report Mr McLaren referred to the Scottish Health Awards 2016 held in November and congratulated three of the finalists who were from the Scottish Borders, namely Clare Gillespie (Therapist); Isobel Burton (Dentist); and Dr Ruth Dorward (Doctor).  Mr McLaren answered questions which were in particular about the difficulty of recruiting doctors across the country and the development of allied health practitioners to complement the work of GPs. 


2.2       Police Scotland

Inspector Tony Hodges gave a verbal report and answered questions on issues raised. In particular there were questions and discussion about the recently introduced smoking ban in cars where there were children aged 18 years or under present.  Inspector Hodges confirmed that this ban did not include the smoking of e-cigarettes.  Questions were also asked about policy in relation to the issue of parking tickets.


2.3       Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Recently appointed Station Manager at Galashiels, Stephen Mitchell, was unable to attend the meeting but had forwarded a written report. This highlighted Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) activity in the Eildon area since the last meeting of the Area Forum.  Following a summary of Response and Resilience activity the report went on to list and detail areas of partnership working and ongoing Prevention and Protection work in the Eildon area. As in all local stations SFRS staff provided home fire safety visits all year round.  These focussed on identifying and reducing the risks of fire in the home.  Smoke detectors with a 10 year battery life were provided as part of this free service.  Following the partnership working with TD1 and Community Learning Development delivering the pilot diversionary project for youths through the holidays, which was referred to in the last report, SFRS were exploring the potential benefits to individuals involved through longer term mentoring.  For Primary 6 pupils, the initiative Firesharp provided face to face education within local primary schools on matters of fire risk and prevention.  Moving into winter the community safety calendar and thematic action plan would focus activities on the following areas: winter and festive safety; chimney safety, stoves and carbon monoxide; use of candles and tea lights; alcohol, cooking and smoking; and vulnerable persons. 



NOTED the updates.


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Scottish Borders Council

Council Headquarters Newtown St. Boswells Melrose TD6 0SA

Tel: 0300 100 1800


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