Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Additional Support Needs Provision in Earlston

Consider report by Service Director Children & Young People.  (Copy attached.)


With reference to paragraphs 4 – 7 of the Executive Committee meeting of 13 May 2014, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Service Director Children and Young People informing Members of the preparation work which would now be carried out in advance of the opening of the Additional Support Needs (ASN) provision in Earlston. The Service Director, Mrs Manson, provided a summary with the aid of presentation slides.  She referred firstly to Scottish Borders Council’s existing and continuing ASN provision through Broad General Education (2 years to end of S3) and the Senior Phase (S4 to beyond school), identifying the schools with enhanced provisions. There was a presumption of mainstream education for children with additional support needs and Mrs Manson stressed the importance of an individualised approach for every child.  With the aim of high quality “inclusion for all” there needed to be the right environments both in mainstream and ASN provision. The Council had to have both high quality universal school provision and specialist provision able to meet the learning, support and care needs of children with complex needs.  The key areas for consideration in taking forward the “inclusion for all” commitment were summarised in the report.  In 2013 Scottish Borders Council had identified the need to develop a full time purpose built specialist education and care centre for young people with complex needs, both physical and learning within Scottish Borders.  The aim of the additional provision was to offer a service that would reduce the number of children who accessed very specialist provision out of the Scottish Borders as well as providing an enhanced level of provision for our children with the most profound and complex needs.  The provision would initially be for primary aged children currently attending the existing provisions in the autistic spectrum classes at St Ronan’s and at Wilton Primary School but would also provide for those children who may have complex sensory impairments.  Mrs Manson highlighted the educational and well-being benefits of having this specialist provision.  The design of the proposed purpose built centre was described in the report and visual images attached to the report as appendices.  A 3D model of the building and display boards had also been brought to the meeting for Members to examine.  Having regard to the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 full engagement with stakeholders would take place in May and June 2016 with families, children and staff, the school communities involved and the Earlston community.  The naming of the new provision would also be considered as part of an informal consultation.  A report would then be brought back to the Executive Committee in August 2016 with relevant formal statutory consultation papers.  Members welcomed the report and the progress in relation to the additional ASN provision and received answers to their questions.  Mrs Manson agreed that there was an opportunity to enhance the project through additional creative fundraising.  There was also a real opportunity for inward investment in terms of provision of placements for children from outside the Scottish Borders.  In response to a further question Mrs Manson stressed that this was additional provision and was not replacing existing ASN provision.  In respect of children with complex needs receiving more support from the additional provision there would be flexibility in the staff resource which would move with the child.  The Chairman commended the staff for the work carried out on the project.




(a)       NOTED:

(i)           that the Additional Support Needs (ASN) provision in Earlston was expected to open in January 2017;


(ii)          the continuation of the following ASN provisions in the Scottish Borders:


Nursery/Primary Age Enhanced Provision:

1.           Early Learning and Childcare ASN Provision in Langlee;

2.           Teviot Primary Complex Needs Provision situated in Wilton Primary School;

3.           Eildon Primary Complex Needs Provision situated in Langlee Primary School;

4.           Berwickshire Primary Complex Needs Provision situated in Chirnside Primary School (to be housed in the new Duns Primary School provision);

5.           Tweeddale Primary Complex Needs Provision situated in Halyrude Primary School.


Secondary Age Enhanced Provision:

6.           Teviot Secondary Complex Needs Provision situated in Hawick High School;

7.           Eildon Secondary Complex Needs Provision situated in Galashiels Academy;

8.           Berwickshire Secondary Complex Needs Provision situated in Berwickshire High School;

9.           Tweeddale Secondary Complex Needs Provision situated in Peebles High School;

10.         Howdenburn Schoolhouse, Jedburgh.


(b)       AGREED to:

(i)           informal engagement from May 2016, which would share the opportunities the Earlston provision presented, with:


1.           children with profound and complex needs and their families;

2.           the community of Earlston and the school communities of Earlston Primary School and Earlston High School; and

3.           staff groups.


(ii)          informal engagement with the stakeholders above regarding the naming of the provision in Earlston; and


(iii)         bring forward relevant formal statutory consultation papers in respect of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 to the Executive Committee in August 2016 regarding:


1.           the relocation of the existing provision of spectrum classes in Innerleithen Primary School and Wilton Primary School grounds; and

2.           the establishment of the new provision in Earlston.    




         The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11.20 am to give Members the opportunity of viewing the model and display boards for the proposed building at Earlston.  The meeting reconvened at 11.45 am.





On the resumption of the meeting, Councillor Parker took the Chair for the remaining business.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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