Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Economic Development Update

Presentation on recent Economic Development progress by the Chief Officer Economic Development.  (Briefing note attached.)





Mr J Clark, Mr G Henderson




Councillor Bell chaired the meeting for consideration of the Economic Development business.


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Economic Development Update

1.1       With reference to paragraph 4 of the Minute of 2 February 2106, there had been circulated copies of a briefing note providing an update on recent Economic Development activities. The Chief Officer Economic Development, Mr Bryan McGrath, referred to the paper and highlighted the main points.  Under the Business section of the update it was reported that for the 3 month period 1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016 the Business gateway team assisted 77 business start-ups, of which 9 had the potential to be high growth.  The advisers had delivered 23 start-up workshops and 26 Growth workshops with 273 attendees.  During the same period four start-up workshops were held in Peebles, Hawick and Kelso with a total of 80 attendees.  In 2015-2016, the Scottish Borders Business Fund received 43 applications and approved 37 grants valued at £107,960.65 supporting projects with a value of £243,947.02.  These projects were forecast to create 43 jobs and safeguard 57.5 jobs with a forecast economic impact of £953,745 GVA.  The Scottish Borders Business Loan Fund offered loans of between £1,000 and £20,000 over terms of up to three years.  In 2015-16, the Loan Fund received 11 applications and approved 7 loans valued at £129,504.  These loans were forecast to create 12.5 jobs and safeguard 29 jobs with a forecast economic impact of £393,420 GVA.  Scotland’s Employer Recruitment Incentive - SERI Scheme – The Scottish Government had confirmed funding for the SERI Scheme in 2016/17.  The Scheme was re-launched on 1 April and was targeted at those furthest from the workplace.  Eight additional places were available for the Scottish Borders and Barnardo’s Works had been contracted to deliver this support. 


In terms of Regeneration it was reported that the Scottish Borders Railway Ambassadors Pilot had been extended into the 2016 season.  A weekend service would be provided in April, Fridays would be added for May and June, whilst Thursday would also be covered in July and August.  The service would then taper off into the autumn and finish at the end of October.  Support had been given to the National Archaeology conference in Galashiels on 28 May and the forthcoming visit of the Flying Scotsman.  Selkirk Business Improvement – Steering Group had appointed a new Project Manager, who was progressing the business plan development and consultation processes.  A revised timescale for the BIDS ballot process had been identified, the ballots now scheduled for November 2016.    


1.3       In terms of Tourism and Events, it was reported that the new walking site was now live.  This was the sister site to which had been running since 2012.  Both sites were now ‘mobile friendly’ and were available for use by businesses wishing to link to the cycle and walk network or by visitors requiring access to route information and visitor information on tablets and mobile phones.  In relation to Funding, The Leader Programme was open, with application deadlines set for 31 May and 31 August 2016.  The programme Coordinator and Facilitator were continuing to work with a range of potential applicants.  The new Forth Fisheries Local Action Group, covering the Scottish Borders, East Lothian and Fife, had received a funding allocation of just over £1m for the period 2014-2020.  The new Action Group would make recommendations on European Maritime Fisheries Fund(EMFF) local development applications.  Scottish Borders Council was the lead partner for the three areas and had employed EMFF Programme Co-ordinator, based in Eyemouth, to support the development of projects, and applications to the fund, from groups and businesses across the whole FLAG area.  In response to a question from Elected Members in relation to Fishing, Shooting and Equestrian events, the Chief Officer Economic Development agreed to bring a more detailed report to the next meeting.  The Committee welcomed the draft Cycling Strategy and a consultation event was suggested and expressed disappointment at the level of applications for the RSA Funding and noted that work would be undertaken to raise awareness of opportunities for local businesses.



NOTED the update.


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