Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Beneficiaries Group Update

Update from the meeting held on 27 February 2024.


2.1     The Chair shared the main points from the meeting of the Beneficiaries Group on 27 February 2024, the Note of which was to be appended to this Minute, along with the draft project vison document and the consultation report.  The application to the Levelling Up Fund had been submitted to Scottish Government on 9 February and a response was expected in the next two weeks.  If the bid was successful a project team was to be established.  There had been a discussion on the wider Chambers Institution Trust vision, led by Jason Dyer, and Mr Dyer summarised the draft vision for attendees.  The draft vision document had brought together the work previously undertaken with Members and stakeholders and defined what was to be incorporated into Levelling Up Funding envelope and the elements that required funding beyond.  Potential income generation and the charitable community aspects were also considered.  A summary of each proposed floor plan was provided as follows:

  • the ground floor was to incorporate a new reception and information space, the children’s library and associated activities, access to the Burgh Hall and Registrar maintained and a small informal café space with landscaping to the courtyard area;
  • the first floor was to incorporate a state-of-the-art modern museum space, adult library and public access computers;
  • the second floor was to incorporate a GIS compliant art gallery with thought to be given to how to make the balcony area health and safety compliant; and
  • the third floor was to provide general storage and exhibition packing areas.


Consideration was to be given to the siting of the lift type and access.  There was potential to develop a mezzanine level in the Burgh Hall for both income generation and museum collection storage.  Feedback on the draft vision document was to be provided and a drop-in event was to be held on 18 March in the Burgh Hall.


2.2     The governance framework for the Chambers Institution Trust was to be developed.  A new Chair was needed for the Beneficiaries Group who was not also a Trustee and it was hoped that someone would be identified soon.  Trustees were to hold a meeting to discuss wider governance issues in relation to the organisation and the project to be undertaken through the Levelling Up Fund award. 


2.3     An update on the Burgh Hall renovations had been shared by Gareth Smith (SBC), the details of which were provided in the Beneficiaries Group Note attached to this Minute.


2.4     With regards to the installation of acoustic panels, there was to be further discussion and a decision to be taken on colour matching the panels to the walls and appropriate consultation with the Heritage Officer.


2.5     The art work was to be temporarily displayed in the foyer for the drop-in meeting at the Burgh Hall on 18 March to gather feedback on its situation in the building.  Discussions were to continue regarding a legal agreement between the Trust and the artist and costs to be incurred for a display cabinet.


2.6     There had been an enquiry made about the vacant shop and discussions were to continue on any plan to advertise the unit for rental.


2.7     Crick Carleton, Chair of the Peebles Place Making Working Group, had drawn attention to the need for the Trust project to contribute to the overall town plan.



NOTED the update.


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