Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Public Space CCTV and Town Centre Connectivity

Consider report by Director Strategic Commissioning and Partnerships. (Copy attached.)


With reference to paragraph 8 of the Minute of the meeting held on 28 September 2023, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Director – Strategic Commissioning and Partnerships which provided an update on progress made on developing the CCTV proposal and an overview on the next steps for  Borders wide connectivity including town centres, and the timeline for a full business case being brought back to Council for approval in February 2024.  The previous report  had set out the potential options, benefits and future opportunities available to Scottish Borders for investment in Public Space CCTV and Town Centre Wi-Fi and gained agreement to proceed with a scheme for seven Borders towns for CCTV.  The report outlined the current provision of CCTV and detailed the benefits and other considerations for potential investment.  Taking into account that many of the CCTV systems were approaching a point of disrepair and current analogue systems would become obsolete as of 2025, the benefits included public safety and detection of crime; the ability to collect meaningful data, for both Police Scotland and the Council; and using the investment in CCTV to scope out further use cases for the technology and better understand the market, looking at solutions such as cloud-based CCTV and 5G connectivity.  Considerations included the options submitted by CGI, including the outline financial implications; a move to a principle of investment and modernisation to reflect community priorities; development of a fully defined proposal and costed business case with funding arrangements coming back to a subsequent Council meeting for final approval; Consultation be undertaken with other towns and communities to determine views, practicalities and priorities for potential future CCTV and Town Centre Wi-Fi investment opportunities.  In response to a question regarding whether the new CCTV systems would be wireless or wired, the Portfolio Manager, Ms Naomi Sweeney advised that after exploring the latest technology, and taking account of security concerns, a decision had been made to progress with wired cameras.  Regarding engagement with the Hawick Town Team, Ms Sweeney explained that conversations had been ongoing and that she was content to explore further meeting dates with them.  In response to a question regarding the proposed timescales involved with the business case, Ms Sweeney provided assurance that due to ongoing consultation and discussions a business case could be progressed quickly.  Members welcomed the report and expressed their hopes that the business case would be ready for Council in February. 





(a)        progress made in developing proposals with CGI and the receipt of comparative costs for CCTV for the Scottish Borders;


(b)       progress on bench marking and understanding of the market, carried out with partner organisations, specialist advisors and other local authorities;


(c)        engagement with community owned CCTV models in the Borders and proposals developed by Hawick Community Council; and


(d)       development of the CCTV proposals to further Scottish Borders Council’s aspirations as a “Smart, connected rural region” and considering Town Centre Wi-fi in a future connectivity plan to complement future investment opportunities in connectivity and technology offered through the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal.


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