Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Beneficiaries Group Update

An update from the meeting on 28 November 2023.


2.1     The Chair shared the main points from the meeting of the Beneficiaries Group on 28 November 2023.  An award of £4.1m from the Levelling up Fund had been made, with a tight deadline for a proposal to be presented to the UK Government.  It was proposed  that the Chair, Councillor Pirone and Sam Coe, as a Project Group, take this proposal forward and Members agreed.  Jason Dyer was then introduced to Members.  Mr Dyer had previously worked with the Trimontium Trust, Abbotsford House restoration, Thirlestane Castle and Melrose RFC.  A biography of his work was to be circulated. The Chair proposed that Mr Dyer be engaged by Trustees to bring together a business plan, information from the feasibility study and consultations for the Chambers Institution Trust over an anticipated 10 day period.  Members agreed to the appointment of Mr Dyer subject to the standard procedures.  Crick Carleton was to provide materials on the Place Making process that related to Peebles.  In relation to the Burgh Hall, it was reported that the stage curtains were to be fitted next week.  The acoustics consultant had made a site visit and reported that the addition of stage and window curtains was to improve the acoustics and that panels would be required.  The Beneficiaries Group had no objections to costs of no more £8,500 for panel installation.  Members agreed to the cost of the supply and installation of acoustic panels.  Sanne Roberts, Heritage Officer was to be consulted also.  Sam Coe reported the support of Peebles Civic Society and Peebles and District Community Council for the proposed acoustic improvement works.  The Chair sought approval for the costs of the supply and installation of window curtains and the required scaffolding and associated joinery work, at a cost of up to £16.5k.  Members agreed to approve the costs.   There was to be an additional cost in the region of £2k following repairs to the roof leak in the hallway. No decision was made on this by Members.  Gareth Smith Property Officer was to coordinate the remaining works and liaise with the artist Susan Mitchell on the installation of her artwork in the hallway.  There had been a request from the Trimontium Trust for several Roman artefacts in the possession of the Chambers Institution Trust to be loaned for display.  Director Corporate Governance agreed to establish ownership of the artefacts in consultation with Live Borders for the next meeting of the Trustees.  Councillor Pirone reported that the progress on the business plan so far was to be shared with Council officers and Mr Dyer. 


2.2     Sam Coe presented an update of the building condition survey.  There were no accurate scale plans of the buildings at present.  A condition survey and a dimensional survey were required and options for their procurement were under consideration. It was confirmed that a full procurement exercise was to be undertaken.


2.3     The Chair reported that the John Buchan Museum had formally written to Trustees to request that consideration be given to improvements to the exterior of the museum building.  The Chair proposed that the matter be taken up with Planning in the first instance, to which Members agreed.  Further discussion was to be had at the next meeting.  A copy of the letter was to be appended to this minute.


2.4     The Chair reported that Bonnie Peebles had requested permission to install plants in the sites where the Remembrance sculptures were installed annually, once commemorations were complete.  Members agreed to this.


2.5     The Chair confirmed that he was to liaise with the tenants of the Chambers Institution Trust buildings to apprise them of all developments going forward.  Members shared their appreciation for the collegiate approach being taken with the ongoing project.



NOTED the update and;


(a)     the appointment of the Chair, Councillor Pirone and Sam Coe to the Project Group;

(b)     the appointment of Jason Dyer to the role of coordinator of the proposal to the Levelling Up Fund, subject to the proper procedure;

(c)     the cost of supply and installation of acoustic panels;

(d)     the cost of supply and installation of window curtains;

(e)     Director Corporate Governance establishing ownership of Roman artefacts in the museum

(f)      Bonnie Peebles installation of plants in place of Remembrance sculptures once commemorations were complete.


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Scottish Borders Council

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