Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Climate Change: Council Emissions and Public Reporting

Consider report by Director Infrastructure and Environment. (Copy attached.)


With reference to paragraph 8 of the Minute of the meeting held on 24 November 2022, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Director – Infrastructure and Environment which requested approval of the draft Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Compliance Report 2022/23 prior to submission to the Scottish Government in advance of the deadline of 30 November 2023.  By the end of November each year, the Council, in common with other public bodies, was required to report to Scottish Government on its progress in delivering climate action organisationally and within the Local Authority area for the preceding financial year.  The Council had been working with the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI) to develop an approach to meeting those requirements.  That approach proposed increasing the sources of emissions which the Council reported against. That was consistent with the approach of other similar organisations, and it increased the Council’s understanding of its emissions impact, while enhancing its ability to manage that impact on a trajectory consistent with national targets and the Council’s own targets.  The Director – Infrastructure and Environment presented the report and responded to Members questions.  In response to a question regarding the number of hydrogen vehicles in the fleet, the Director outlined that there were currently no vehicles, but confirmed that work was ongoing with SOSE to secure a reliable, sustainable source of hydrogen fuel.  An electric vehicle-based fleet was cost prohibitive due to the weight of the vehicles involved and range capabilities required.  Regarding the decision not to install a water-source heat pump at Peebles swimming pool, Mr Curry explained that whilst a water-source pump was considered, it had been imperative that the pool re-open as a matter of urgency.  Consideration of the installation of heat pumps would form part of the Council’s overall decarbonisation strategy.  In response to a question regarding mass burn incinerators in the region, Mr Curry advised that the volume of waste required to make such plants viable did not appear to have been reached and undertook to provide further details outwith the meeting.  Regarding the installation of EV charging points at schools and community centres, Mr Curry outlined that concerns had been expressed by the Council’s insurers regarding the provision of such technology, and that conversations were ongoing.  The Council was undertaking the development of a model for the roll-out of EV charging points across the region, particularly by encouraging private sector providers to enter the market.  A briefing for Elected Members on the topic would be provided before the end of the year.  The Director highlighted that the Council was working on its Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy, which would set out the strategic plan for domestic and non-domestic buildings across the region. 





(a)     approve the draft Public Bodies Climate Change Duties Report 2022/23, as contained in Appendix 1 to the report, for submission, with authority for final sign off being delegated to the Director of Infrastructure and Environment in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and transport;


(b)     note progress with respect to current targets set;


(c)     note the ongoing corporate activity to embed climate change/ net zero and sustainability into the organisation; and


(d)     note that a further report would be submitted to Council outlining a strategic estates plan for the operational estate, which would include a target for emissions reduction.

Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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