Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

12.15 p.m. Walkerburn Primary School

(Copy reports attached.)




            In Attendance: - Ms C. Elsey (Headteacher), Erin Thomson (Parent Council Representative), James Bewsey (Quality Improvement Officer).


            The Chairman welcomed the representatives from Walkerburn Primary School. 


6.1       HMIe Report

There had been circulated copies of a report which explained that Walkerburn Primary School and Nursery Class was inspected in May 2023 using a ‘full’ inspection model, which meant that 4 key quality indicators were inspected in both the Early Learning and Childcare setting and the Primary School over a 5-day period.  The HMIE Report evaluated the Early Years setting and the Primary provision as satisfactory across almost all quality indicators, with an evaluation of good for the ensuring wellbeing, equity and inclusion category.  The evaluation gradings range given by HMIE on school inspections can range from unsatisfactory to excellent, so a grading of very good indicated there were major strengths in this aspect of the school’s work.  The inspection team had found the following strengths in the school’s work - a) All staff work together well to provide care and support to children across the school and nursery. Children feel safe, valued and cared for; b) Children’s increasing confidence using digital technology enhances their learning in the nursery and school; ; c) The school grounds and local environment are used well to provide rich and relevant learning experiences for children across the school.


6.2     The following areas for improvement had been identified and discussed with the Headteacher and representative from Scottish Borders Council a) Senior leaders should review the roles and responsibilities of the staff team. This should support effective leadership and more robust evaluation of the work of the school and nursery; b) The staff team should continue to improve learning and teaching across the school and nursery. Staff should provide the right amount of challenge for all children in their learning and play; and c) Staff should continue to develop approaches to planning and assessment to ensure that all children make the best possible progress in their learning across the curriculum.


6.3     The Headteacher explained that a review of roles and remits of the Leadership team had been undertaken to reflect current leadership teams across the partnership and class teachers had identified opportunities for leadership development in literacy and digital learning, linked to their individual professional development targets.  The School Improvement plan was closely linked to the SBC Way and breakthrough curriculum with a focus on Oracy, writing and health and well-being.  Senior leaders were monitoring planning to ensure that teachers and practitioners were ambitious for all learners providing opportunities for challenge and extension activities.  In respect of continuing to develop approaches to planning and assessment, it was explained that a review of tracking progress across the school and nursery had been undertaken with a greater focus on ensuring that planning reflected opportunities for accelerated learning.  There was a sharper focus on individual learning pathways for all children and working closely with families and other agencies continued to support where barriers to learning had been identified.  


6.4     Erin Hogan Thompson explained that there have been a series of improvements and continuing activities which were really benefiting students and families alike i.e., the continuation of breakfast club on Tuesdays and Wednesdays; the addition of Homework Club on Thursdays and the Gardening Club on Tuesdays. There had been a noticeable increase in outdoor learning and play which the students really enjoyed. The digital learning had also improved greatly as everyone had become more familiar with the Apps and how to use them - SumDog in

particular, had made maths very enjoyable for everyone.  Communication between the school and parents continued to be exemplary and always informed of events and activities within the

wider community and invited into the school on several occasions.  The school recently held a ‘Share Our Learning’ event for families to come along and see what their children had.

been learning and doing so far and it was evident how happy and engaged all of the students were. There was a high level of pride in their work and the whole culture at the school was very positive. The parents continued to be very happy with the school. 


6.5     James Bewsey, Quality Improvement Officer explained that an intense support period would commence to ensure progress leading up to the follow up in May 2024.  A support Plan had been formalised and his role would be to support and challenge the Headteacher and to sign post to good practice – clear plans had been laid out and these would inform engagement – Mr Bewsey acknowledged the work of the Early Years Team prior to and during the inspection.



          AGREED that: -


          (a)     the School Improvement/ Action Plan for Walkerburn Primary School which addresses areas for improvement as outlined in the HMIE Inspection Report (May 2023).

(b)     the Quality Improvement Team’s plan for scrutiny and support in accordance with the identified areas for improvement following a ‘satisfactory’ inspection.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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