Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

10.45 a.m. Greenlaw Primary School

(Copy reports attached.)




In Attendance: - Rosemary Berrett (Headteacher), Catherine Thomson (Quality Improvement Officer) and



            The Chairman welcomed the representatives from Greenlaw Primary School.  


4.1       HMIe Report

There had been circulated copies of a report on His Majesty’s Inspector of Education (HMIE) Reports for Greenlaw Primary School and Nursery Class and the Improvement Plan developed by the Headteacher to address the key recommendations.  The report explained that Greenlaw Primary School was inspected using a ‘short’ inspection model, which means that only two quality indicators were inspected in both the Early Learning and Childcare setting and the Primary School over a 3-day period.  The HMIE Report evaluated the Early Learning and Childcare provision as good across all quality indicators. The evaluation gradings range given by HMIE on school inspections can range from unsatisfactory to excellent.  A grading of good indicated there were important strengths with areas for improvement in this aspect of the school’s work. 


4.2       The inspection team had found the following strengths in the school’s work - a) Children across the school and nursery who are happy, friendly and eager to share their learning b) Teachers’ effective use of digital technology to personalise children’s learning. Children enjoy these motivating learning experiences, which take account of their different strengths and needs c) The regular celebrations of children’s achievements, widely shared through social media across the whole school community. These support children to develop confidence and team building skills.


4.3       The following areas for improvement had been identified and discussed with the Headteacher and representative from Scottish Borders Council a) Children should be more involved in leading their own learning. They need more opportunities to make choices and decisions about their learning and b) Senior leaders and staff should develop learning through play at the early level and beyond. This will enable staff to meet children’s needs better and allow children to apply their skills in real-life contexts.


4.4       Mrs Berrett explained the main actions taken since the inspection - all staff identified ways in which children can lead their own learning and developed more opportunities for children to make choices and decisions about their learning and use the Pupil Voice Forum to ask for children’s views and take into account their ideas and thoughts. Using the expertise and experience of the Early Years team both in school and centrally to develop an action plan which supported the understanding of pedagogical play and what this would look like in a multi composite classroom. Used the key document “Realising the Ambition” to reference and underpin practices so that teachers plan learning spaces, experiences and interactions and enrich children’s learning opportunities within the classroom.  The Headteacher and EYTT planned inset sessions on Play Pedagogy to deliver across the school in Oct 2023.


4.5       In terms of progress made, children were showing confidence in selecting evidence of their own learning and uploading it digitally to share with parents/carers during learning conversations in all classes; all children enjoyed outdoor learning opportunities which engage and extend their play through loose parts, team games and individual play experiences; Class teacher and EYP were working together in P1/2/3 on a weekly basis to promote children to be supported to learn through their play and to share practice that would develop teachers skills and knowledge in how we know and evidence children learning through play.  In terms of issues, Mrs Berrett reported that Digital connectivity drops frequently which impacted fluidity of learning and clever touch boards did not connect to WIFI: this had been  referred to CGI and IT business support regularly with no progress made to date and 55% of children were impacted by challenging family circumstances and/or rural isolation. Partnerships with e.g. CLD to support families in the community and between home and school was limited.  The school ensured achievement opportunities to extend children’s experiences and improve a collective sense of self-esteem and worth. However limited opportunities in housing in the area impacted the school role and was running at 50% capacity and would benefit from a higher school role which would be one factor that would help children to develop their social relationships further.


4.6       Although unable to attend Gina Davies, Chair of Parent Council had submitted a short statement in which she stated that parents and carers were pleased with the recent inspection report and the appointment of a new and experienced teacher for P1/2/3. The enthusiasm brought from another school to work within the Greenlaw team had been good for the children and parents were engaging well to the change. The teachers and support staff worked well together, and the Parent Council were very proud to have fundraised for outdoor equipment, toys and games to enhance the children's outside learning experiences.  The use of school IPADS helped to make sure parents knew what their child were learning in school and the use of certain apps were good for all parents to engage at home with their children and digital learning. The school had invested in digital boards to make sure the classrooms had learning through technology available for all children.  The HMIe report had enabled the school to have a positive profile within the Greenlaw community and this had helped to build the reputation and confidence of the school, community, teachers, support staff and parents. 


4.7       Mrs Frew, QIO congratulated Rosemary and her Team on the very positive report and was delighted that the Inspection Team recognised the strengths that were clearly displayed.  The Community is very important to the School as it sits at the heart of the Community, and everyone works together to improve the outcomes for the children and achievements were shared widely.  The School Improvement Plan clearly sets out the actions to be address the areas requiring improvement and progress was already being made.




(a)          The School Improvement Plan for Greenlaw Primary School which addresses areas for improvement as outlined in the HMIE Inspection Report (June 2023).

(b)       The Quality Improvement Team’s plan for support and showcasing of the work of Greenlaw Primary School following a strong inspection.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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