Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Community Plan Priorities Consultation - Nile Istephan


5.1       The Chair welcomed Mr Nile Istephen of Eildon Housing Association to provide a presentation on the refreshed Community Plan Priorities.  Community planning was the process by which councils and other public bodies such as Health Boards and Police Scotland worked with local communities, businesses, and community groups to plan and deliver better services and improve the lives of people who live in Scotland.  Community Planning Partnerships was the name given to the group of organisations who deliver community planning.  Initially the responsibility for leading CPPs sat with LAs. The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 changed the responsibility to sit equally with five public sector bodies: LAs, NHS, Police Scotland, SFRS and Enterprise companies – in the Borders those lead partners were:


NHS Borders

Police Scotland


Scottish Fire & Rescue Service

South of Scotland Enterprise

Other partners include:

Borders College

Borders Community Action (Third Sector)

Health & Social Care Integration Joint Boars

Live Borders

Berwickshire Housing Association

Eildon Housing Association

Scottish Borders Community Councils’ Network

Scottish Borders Housing Association

Waverley Housing


5.2       There was a CPP in each local authority area.  It was further explained that under the Community Empowerment Act, Community Planning Partnerships were required to develop a ten-year Plan that set out the priorities for improving people's lives and reducing inequalities.   A lot had changed over the last five years since the previous Community Plan was agreed in May 2018.  There were new priorities, and it was important that the plan included those and like a lot of CPPs, there was an opportunity to completely review the plan to focus on what was most important for the area now.  There would be a review of the new Plan at least twice in the next 10 years to ensure that it remained relevant.  In putting together, the draft priorities for the new Plan, the data had been analysed to get an understanding of what was working well and what needed to be improved.  The views of the public had been sought through other surveys and community-based meetings, including the Council’s Community Conversations and 16 priority areas had been identified and arranged under the five themes; Economy, Skills, and Learning; Enjoying Good Health and Wellbeing; Good Place to Live, Grow Up and Enjoy a Full Life and Community Empowerment.  Views were being sought on which priorities were the most important to those living in the Eildon Area Partnership and whether the themes were the right ones.  The consultation was available online on SBC’s website and available as a paper copy for those who would prefer to respond that way.  The consultation would close on 16 July 2023.  In response to a question regarding rural areas, Mr Istephen acknowledged that rural areas faced higher incidences of fuel poverty and stressed that digital connections were key to ensuring that people living in those areas were not disadvantaged. An effective public transport network would also be key to ensuring that people living in rural areas were not disadvantaged, and technology, through initiatives such as demand responsive transport, would be key in the future. Mr Istephan confirmed that the plan did not replace the Local Development Plan, which was focused on planning matters.  The plan under discussion was focused on bringing partners together to approach broader issues and to co-ordinate action in a joined up and effective manner.  Mr Harrow acknowledged that there were a considerable number of different plans under way, and that the plan under discussion was focused on avoiding duplication of work in very important sectors.  The Chair encouraged attendees to fill out the consultation and ensure that their voices were heard. 



Scottish Borders Council

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