Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Review of Support to Community Councils

Consider report by Director – Resilient Communities. (Copy attached.)


There had been circulated copies of a report by the Director – Resilient Communities which proposed to mitigate against the effect of the increase seen in community council insurance premiums, payable by community councils, between 2021/22 and 2022/23 and commence a review of financial support to community councils.  As of May 2023 there were community councils operational in 66 of the 69 community council areas across the Borders. The last review of funding and support in kind was undertaken in 2009.  Since then the funding and in kind support had been enough to cover the cost of the core functions of community councils.  However, the sharp rise in inflation had seen costs rise to a level that community councils were struggling to meet.  The current budget commitment to support community councils was £80,696.94. This was held within the Resilient Communities and Infrastructure and Environment departments. The Director presented the report and responded to questions.  In response to a question regarding delayed payment of grants, the Director – Resilient Communities, Ms Jenni Craig, undertook to investigate with the relevant team whether any perceived delays had been due to SBC processing times.  An analysis of Community Council Grants would form part of the review.  Ms Craig confirmed that discussions regarding the provision of suitable premises for meetings, taking into account online or blended capacity, to community councils would also be part of the review.  The Director confirmed that the Scottish Borders Community Councils’ network was subject to the same conditions related to annual accounts and Minute keeping as individual community councils.  In response to a question regarding inconsistent changes to insurance costs, Ms Craig explained that all insurance was provided under the Council’s insurance through Zurich.  The fact that some councils insurance costs had increased whilst others decreased was due to the type of activities and events organised by the respective council.  Where larger events were held, a larger level of insurance cost could be expected.  It was confirmed that employers’ liability insurance was in place at the request of 5 Community Councils because they had hired people to provide expertise or undertake other work.  Ms Craig confirmed that where volunteers carried out work, such as planting flowers, on behalf of a community council they would be covered by the appropriate insurance. Members unanimously agreed to the formation of a Member/Officer Working Group to steer the review.  It was emphasised that it was important that the review considered the empowerment and role of community councils, and the role of Elected Members in the context of community councils.  





(a)        that a review of financial support to community councils was undertaken and agreed changes fed in to the budget setting process for 2024/25;


(b)       that the difference in cost of the additional annual insurance premiums, payable by community councils, between 2021/22 and 2022/23 was covered by SBC on a one off basis;


(c)        that support provided to the Community Council Network was also considered as part of the review;


(d)        to approve the establishment of a short-life Member/Officer Working Group to undertake the review and report back to the Executive Committee. The Working Group would include an Elected Member from each of the five localities; and


(e)        to delegate authority to the Director - Resilient Communities to appoint the members of the Group in consultation with relevant Executive portfolio holder.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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