Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Consider request to review refusal in respect of the erection of dwellinghouse and associated work on Land South of Ebbastrand, Coldingham Sands, Coldingham - 23/00008/RREF

Copies of the following papers attached:-


8.0     REVIEW 23/00008/RREF

8.1     There had been circulated copies of a request from Mr Rob Cameron c/o Ferguson Planning, 54 Island Street, Galashiels to review the decision to refuse the planning application in respect of the erection of dwellinghouse and associated work on Land South of Ebbastrand, Coldingham Sands, Coldingham.    The supporting papers included the written submissions from the Planning Officer and Applicant in respect of NPF4; Notice of Review (including the Decision Notice and Officer’s Report); Papers referred to in the Officer’s report; support comments; consultation replies; Objections and list of policies.


8.2     Members noted that there had been three previous applications for erection of a house on this site, in 2010, 2011 and 2013 all withdrawn. There are also other notable and related applications, especially the implemented consent for the redevelopment of the former Shieling nursing home opposite the site which was now 8 apartments known as The Bay.  Members firstly considered if there was a building group under Clause A of Policy HD2 and whether there was scale of addition capacity to add a further house to the group, the allowance under Policy HD2 being no more than 2 new houses within the LDP period or 30%, whichever was the greater.  Members were in agreement that there appeared to be a building group, however they also noted a difference of opinion in terms of whether the development known as The Bay was under construction prior to Local Development Plan adoption in May 2016. This would make a significant difference to the scale of capacity allowance and Members continued the review for further written submissions by requesting evidence from both parties to support their position on this matter. Members also agreed to carry out an unaccompanied site visit.



AGREED that;


          (a)     the request for review had been competently made in terms of Section 43A     of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997;


(b)     the review could be not considered without the need for further procedure in the form of written submissions and a site visit;


(d)     the Planning Officer and Applicant be given the opportunity to comment on the difference of opinion between the Applicant and Planning Officer in terms of whether ‘The Bay’ (Reference 13/00299/FUL) was under construction at the time of the adoption of the Local Development Plan on 12 May 2016;


(e)     consideration of the review be continued to a future meeting on a date to be confirmed.      


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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