Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Beneficiaries Group Update

An update from the meeting of the Beneficiaries Group held on 9 May 2023.  Minute of the meeting held on 14 March for noting. (Copy attached.)


2.1       The Chair provided a brief summary of the meeting held on 9 May 2023 and a copy of the Minute is contained in the appendix to this Minute.   With regard to the Burgh Hall the majority of the works had now been carried out with a few minor items which should be completed by the end of the week.  However, some additional works had been required to deal with rot which had been discovered around a fan which had cost an additional £15k.  It was reported that the vestibule had not been included as part of the hall works and it was agreed that it should be repainted in the same colours as the hall.  The Trust approved the repainting subject to the receipt of quotes for the work.  It was further noted that there was some damage to the glass in the sunburst windows.  A quotation of £1,297 had been received for the works and this was approved by the Trust.  The Chair reminded everyone that this was just Phase 1 of works to the hall and that future works would also be needed to areas such as the floor, the stage and access to the kitchen.  The Chair thanked officers, the contractors, the Beneficiaries Group and the Trust Members for their input into ensuring that the works so far had been so successful.



AGREED to approve:-


(a)        the repainting of the vestibule to match the colours of the hall subject to obtaining quotes for the works; and


(b)       the quotation of £1,297 for the works to repair the sunburst window.


2.2       The Chair invited Fiona Colton to update the Trust on an event which had been organised for 19 May.  Ms Colton advised that the hall would be open from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday 19 May to allow the public to come and see the refurbished hall.  There would also be information regarding the Chambers Anniversary, how to book the hall and a chance to meet those involved in the works.  In response to a question about publicity she confirmed it would be on their website and there would be signage out on the street.  Any assistance with publicity would be appreciated and she agreed to send the details to the Peeblesshire News.  The Chair suggested she contact Gareth Smith to obtain the photographs which he had taken showing the progress of the works and also to display the pop-ups relating to the consultation.  A further event was being organised by Lorna McCullough of Borders Community Action for 27 May.  This was a fair for volunteers which would be held both in the Burgh Hall and on Tweed Green.  Adrian Lucas had also been assisting on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant of Tweeddale.  Kerrie Guiney from the new Peebles Retailers Association was also organising events in the town on that day.


2.3       The Chair advised that a Business Planning Group was now to be established and the members were Councillor Pirone as Chair together with Councillor Marshall Douglas, Sam Coe, Brian McCrow, Peter Maudsley and Kerrie Guiney.  Fiona Colton agreed that she would also be happy to attend meetings.  Details of the remit and role of the Group would be submitted at the next meeting of the Beneficiaries Group in July.  There would also be a special meeting of the Beneficiaries Group in June to discuss the consultation process in detail.  There had been a meeting of the Sub-Group with Page Park to discuss the feasibility study and there would be a further session with the Beneficiaries Group to discuss proposals.


2.4       The Beneficiaries Group had discussed the Condition Survey and the need to also include dimensions.  Fiona Coltman had shared her thought regarding the management of the spaces and the need to take advantage of the options to use the building in a sustainable way.  A Group had been set up to look at fund raising which comprised Councillor Tatler, Peter Maudsley and Lorna McCullough.


2.5       Sam Coe reported on the works which had been carried out to the roof with the wrong type of slate and without the benefit of an application for listed building consent.  This was of great concern on an ‘A’ listed building.  He expected the Council to lead by example in such circumstances and expressed the hope that a retrospective application would be submitted and the slates replaced with the correct type.  The Chair confirmed that this would be looked at as part of the overall project with the slates being replaced with “like for like”  



            NOTED the update on the Beneficiaries Group meeting.


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Scottish Borders Council

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Tel: 0300 100 1800


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