Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Applications for Funding

Consider funding applications from:

(a) Peebles Youth Voice.  (Copy attached.)

(b) Peebles Bowling Club.  (Copy attached.)


3.1     There had been circulated copies of two funding applications from Peebles Youth Voice and Peebles Bowling Club.  Peebles Youth Voice had requested £3,000 to help stage a series of teen events at the Eastgate Theatre.  A project plan had been provided which detailed administrative arrangements and a financial plan.  A draft plan of six events had been drawn up in collaboration with Eastgate Theatre which aimed to provide a safe place for the local youth to meet with friends and listen to music or watch films of their choice.  The grant requested was to enable the launch of the initiative at a discounted price for the first year of operation.



          AGREED to approve the funding application from Peebles Youth Voice for £3,000 to fund a series of six youth events at Eastgate Theatre


3.2     There followed a brief discussion on the application from Peebles Bowling Club for a grant of £10,000.  The Club were to embark on a major refurbishment programme, total expenditure £367,064, and had already applied to a number of other funding sources.  In line with advice from the Acting Chief Financial Officer, it was agreed in principle to approve the application, pending the outcome of the external funding bids.  The Club were to return to the Sub-Committee once other funding was in place to confirm the contribution from the Common Good Fund.  Gillian Sellar informed members that under the Community Empowerment Act there was a statutory requirement for an 8 week community consultation exercise regarding the proposed change of use, due to it being sited on Common Good land.



          AGREED IN PRINCIPLE TO APPROVE the funding application from Peebles Bowling Club for £10,000, on condition of the outcome of the external funding bids.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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