Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Theme 3: Enjoying Good Health & Wellbeing

Progress report.  (Copy attached.)


(i)   The new Mental Health Improvement & Suicide Prevention Plan – Fiona Doig and Steph MacKenzie (Public Health).

(ii)  Draft Health & Social Care Strategic Framework – Chris Myers (Joint Integration Board).  (Copies attached.)

(iii) Young People’s Wellbeing Survey results – Christine Brown (SBC).  (Copies attached.)


8.1       The Partnership Manager, Ms Clare Malster, reported that there was a vacancy for the lead officer of Theme 3, and it was anticipated a new lead officer would be appointed shortly.  With reference to paragraph 7 of the Minute of 17 November 2022, copies of a report providing an update on Theme 3: Enjoying good health and wellbeing had been circulated.   Fiona Doig and Steph Mackenzie (NHS Borders) then provided members with an overview of the new Mental Health Improvement & Suicide Prevention Plan, called ‘Creating Hope in the Scottish Borders’ which was to be discussed in greater depth at the next meeting.  Survey templates in all policies for anchor organisations and FSD had been developed and circulated to members of the Joint Programme Board.  The vision for the Creating Hope action plan was to increase the number of people in good mental health at every age and stage of life and to reduce the number of suicide deaths in the Scottish Borders, whilst working together with partners and communities to tackle the inequalities that contributed to poor mental health and suicide.  A key principle was partnership engagement in the creation and delivery of the plan.  The Area Partnerships were included in the engagement process for development of the plan in 2022.  Further proactive engagement with localities was to be undertaken in 2023 around the areas of ‘Mentally Healthy Communities’ and ‘Suicide Safer Communities’. Wider community planning aims and actions were to consider mental health impacts in order to reduce deaths by suicide and support people and communities affected by suicide. Many actions that were effective in reducing suicide and promoting better mental health lay out-with the health sector, within local planning partnerships and other agencies. The integration of mental health and wellbeing into Impact Assessments, along with guidance for promotion of mental health and wellbeing were to be produced in line with the action plan.


8.2       Copies of a report and the final draft of the Scottish Borders Health & Social Care Strategic Framework 2023-26, which would inform the Community Planning Partnership and seek its approval to adopt the Framework as the approach of the ‘Enjoying good health and wellbeing’ theme, had been circulated.  It was a statutory duty of the Integration Joint Board to produce a 3 year strategic plan in collaboration with Public Health Scotland, Scottish Borders Council, the Health Board and wider partners.  The Strategic Framework had been developed to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes of Borders communities, based on the needs of those communities and to prioritise areas which were considered to have the greatest impact on the health and wellbeing outcomes.  Public consultation exercises had been undertaken with particular attention paid to engaging the sectors of society that were usually harder to reach.  Findings from consultation and data gathering had been compared against the National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes, with all currently below benchmark percentage targets.  A risk based approach was undertaken to identify strategic issues that required proactive management.  The resulting framework outlined six strategic issues with objectives to improve outcomes: improving access to services; rising to the workforce challenge; focusing on prevention and early intervention; supporting unpaid carers by getting services for the cared for right; improving effectiveness and efficiency; and reducing poverty and inequalities.  It was proposed that the collective focus of the CPP Health and Wellbeing group was best placed to efficiently aid the necessary improvements.



(a)     NOTED the update.

(b)     AGREED to adopt the Health and Social Care Framework as the approach of the ‘Enjoying good health and wellbeing’ theme.   


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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