Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Edinburgh and South East Scotland Regional Prosperity Framework Delivery Plan

Consider report by Director Resilient Communities.  (Copy attached.)


         With reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of 23 September 2021, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Director Resilient Communities seeking ratification of the Regional Prosperity Framework (RPF) Delivery Plan, a copy of which was appended to the report, in anticipation of approval by the City Region Joint Committee on 3 March 2023.  The Regional Prosperity Framework Delivery Plan was the articulation of the next phase of the development of the regional economy, building upon the successes of the City Region Deal.  It was both an action plan, focused on more immediate and currently resourceable interventions, and a prospectus for investment setting out collective ambition and opportunity for the city region to become the data capital of Europe; support inclusive growth; and a just transition to a net zero economy over the next 20 years.  The document was a live document that would be updated every 12 months to reflect changes to the local, regional, and macro economy and to ensure that regional activity could react and remain relevant to city region partners.  Over the next 12 months four key programme areas had been identified, namely Green Regeneration, Infrastructure & Recovery, Visitor Economy & Culture and Data-Driven Innovation.  To realise the ambitions of the Delivery Plan, Regional Partners would ask both the Scottish and UK Governments to commit to work in tripartite (UKG/SG/ESES) partnership to progress the Delivery Programme which was aligned with Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) and UK Government Levelling Up and Shared Prosperity priorities and for the Delivery Plan to be supported through a medium to long term, integrated, place-based funding allocation based on shared outcomes.  The Regional Prosperity Framework Delivery Plan would be considered by the other five constituent Local Authorities in the region ahead of the meeting of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Joint Committee on 3 March 2023, which (subject to agreement) would conclude formal sign off of the Delivery Plan under the City Region’s governance arrangements.  The report also highlighted the City Region Deal Annual Report for 2021/22, which provided an update on overall progress for the City Region Deal programme between 1 August 2012 and 31 July 2022, and included the expected milestones to be achieved in the next year.  Members welcomed the report and the ambition for the area.  In response to a question on the unsuccessful levelling up funding application, the Director advised that she was still awaiting formal feedback on the bid which would be critical to make sure bids for round 3 were clearly articulated.                                                                                        





         (a)      to approve the Regional Prosperity Framework Delivery Plan;


          (b)            to note that the Delivery Plan would be considered by the other five constituent Local Authorities in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region (ESESCR) ahead of the ESESCR Joint Committee meeting on 3 March 2023;


          (c) to note the progress highlighted in the 2021/22 City Region Deal Annual Report; and


          (d) that future updates on the progress of the City Region Deal and Delivery Plan would be provided to the (Economic Development) Executive Committee.


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