Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Public Toilet Provision

Consider report by Director Infrastructure and Environment.  (Copy attached.)


         There had been circulated copies of a report by the Director of Infrastructure and Environment proposing a strategy for the future provision of Public Toilets in the Scottish Borders.  Scottish Borders Council currently had 27 public toilets open for use and 14 which remained closed and would not reopen.  Five key principles had been developed to inform how the Council proposed to support the future delivery of the remaining 27 public toilet facilities and these were:-

§    The condition of public toilets influenced visitor and local perception of a community and there was a need to enhance the condition of the 27 facility operational toilet estate.  To achieve this a programme of surveys and capital investment was needed.


§    The Council would maintain the current operational estate including the provision of one Council provided facility per each major existing settlement. 


§    A phased approach to upgrading payment operated locking facilities would be implemented along with a move to accepting contactless payment facilities.  


§    Provisions would continue to be maintained for those who needed access for medical reasons and/ or emergency access via the RADAR mechanism.


§    An appropriate cleaning and inspection regime had to be maintained on a daily basis with cleaning of public toilets undertaken once per day.


         The Appendix to the report listed the proposed toilets.  Councillor Mountford, as Executive Member for the service, highlighted the opportunities for communities to take over facilities and provided further clarification in respect of future provision which included the likely continuation of the facility at Kingsmeadows in Peebles by the Common Good Fund as it was located on land owned by them.  Support for the toilets at St. Marys Loch was being withdrawn by the Council but the landowner was to keep them open.  Members discussed the proposals in detail and highlighted the importance of good signage for visitors to all public facilities.  The situation at Burnmouth was raised and it was agreed that an additional recommendation be added to reconsider the closure in consultation with the local Community and Ward Councillors.  Councillor Sinclair suggested that further consultation and information was required before a final decision could be taken.



         Councillor Mountford, seconded by Councillor Small, moved approval of the recommendations contained in the report with the addition regarding Burnmouth.


         Councillor Sinclair, seconded by Councillor Orr, moved as an amendment that the recommendations in the report be replaced as follows:-


         (a)      Public consultation should be undertaken before any permanent change in service provision was agreed;

         (b)      To ask officers to undertake consultation with communities on the future of toilet provision across the Scottish Borders; and

(c)     To ask officers to bring forward a report outlining the rationale for continuation or closure of each public toilet facility – to include public feedback, condition survey and any enhancement costs, projected usage, and alternative local provision.


         On a show of hands Members voted as follows:-


         Motion                -           23 votes

         Amendment        -           9 votes


         The Motion was accordingly carried.    





          (a)    to approve the future provision of Public Toilets across the Scottish Borders as detailed in the Appendix to the report;


          (b)    to assign delegated powers to the Director Infrastructure & Environment, Acting Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Legal Officer to negotiate the sale/disposal of facilities as part of the strategy; and


          (c)    that further discussions regarding the future of provision at Burnmouth be held with the community and local Ward Members.


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Scottish Borders Council

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