Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Direction: Buildings Based Day Service Provision in Teviot and Liddesdale - Next Steps


Mr Chris Myers provided an overview of the content of the report. He commented that the Integration Joint Board (IJB) had a strategic commissioning plan for 2018- 2023 and part of that plan was to reimagine day services. The IJB as the commissioner had the responsibility to commission services and directions against the strategic commissioning plan, however it had not enacted that process in the instance of the Teviot and Liddesdale day service provision.

He reassured the IJB that over the past year the approach to governance of the IJB had been refreshed: a Directions and Procedures Policy had been put in place; the strategic commissioning approach had been updated and enacted; and an enhanced governance process had been put in place for the IJB in relation to its commissioning role. He also advised that a number of actions had been agreed on the general responsibility of the IJB in terms of equalities and human rights and a full refresh of the Equalities Mainstreaming Report was being undertaken. The Terms of Reference for the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) would be amended to ensure the SPG considered the detail of impact assessments (IA) and looked at consultation in more detail.

Mr Myers suggested that there would be a financial impact related to the direction before the IJB and the costs were not currently clear. Work would be taken forward on the scope with service users and carers to understand the model required and the Chief Financial Officer was working with partners in SBC and NHS Borders to ensure appropriate provisions were available.

Mr Myers recorded his apologies to those affected and advised that he and the Chair had agreed to get in contact with those affected in regard to the oversight of the IJB. A robust discussion ensued which focused on: contact with unpaid carers to apologise; direct engagement with those affected; was the Teviot spike within the “We have listened report” on the back of the closure; when listening to unpaid carers there may potentially be a requirement for a buildings based solution in the 3 future; the consultation for the new service would include the involvement of those affected by the closure; agreement on the need for meaningful apologies; would the inclusion of IA and consultation in the SPG terms of reference be adequate to mitigate other risks on how we work in partnership with other Borders communities; were the SPG already considering the Community Empowerment Act implications and risks of participation requests; should non voting members be made voting members to ensure their voice is valued and improve governance; and workforce supply chain issues and a need to expand the overall pool of people across the partners.

Mr Ralph Roberts suggested there needed to be clarity on the Direction to be issued which was asking for a piece of work to be carried out. He commented that when the outcome of that piece of work was before the IJB for decision, the IJB would need to make that decision in the context of what the impact would be in relation to all the other services.

Cllr Robin Tatler enquired if the unpaid carers survey data was available and if any previous surveys had been undertaken which collected the views of unpaid carers.

Mr Myers commented that the unpaid carers survey data was available and he would share it with the IJB for information. He was aware that previous surveys had been undertaken but was not aware of the detail of those.

The Chair commented that voting and non voting members were dictated by legislation however she assured the IJB that she valued the input of all views and voices around the table and would always take them into consideration when discussing matters.

Mr Tris Taylor suggested the direction was not completely clear and enquired if the IJB was being asked to commission a proposal or a service. Mr Roberts commented that the IJB was being asked to commission a piece of work. The outcome of that piece of work would then need to identify any implications on other service provision before the IJB could consider whether or not to commission a service.

The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD noted the ruling by the Court of Session on the closure of the Teviot and Liddesdale adult day service.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD noted the role and responsibility of the Integration Joint Board in relation to this process.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD noted the response from the Scottish Borders Council.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD agreed that there was a need for buildings based adult day service provision in the Teviot and Liddesdale locality.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD agreed to amend the direction to read “To ask Scottish Borders Council to continue to work to develop a proposal to inform the re-commissioning of the Teviot and Liddesdale day service in line with the need in the locality and to return to the IJB in February 2023 with a plan for what might be delivered.”


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD approved the amended Direction to the Scottish Borders Council.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD noted that further work was being undertaken to explore other supports for unpaid carers in line with the results of the unpaid carers survey.



Scottish Borders Council

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