Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Scottish Government Multi-Disciplinary Team Funding


7.1       Mrs Hazel Robertson provided an overview of the content of the report. She explained that the allocation had been taken to the Urgent and Unscheduled Care Programme Board (UUCPB) for consideration and 2 projects had been identified, the community equipment store (CES) and the rapid assessment and discharge (RAD) service.  There were potential projects identified for the remaining £205k for consideration by the UUCPB. 


7.2       Mrs Fiona Sandford enquired if there would be difficulties in recruiting to the RAD service.  Mr Paul Williams commented that in regard to the RAD workforce the majority of staff were on fixed term contracts and the investment into the service would enable permanent contracts to be issued and would also provide for stability and consistency within the service.  He did not have concerns in regard to recruitment to that service.


7.3       Mr Nile Istephan enquired if minor adaptations would be part of the CES service.  Mr Williams commented that the CES utilised an MDT approach to assess what people needed to return home or remain in their home and that could be minor adaptations or significant pieces of equipment.


7.4       Mr Tris Taylor commented that the funding was specifically about funding posts and enquired if the funding of the CES was an appropriate use of funds.  Mr Williams commented that whilst the equipment in the CES sat in one place it was accessed through an MDT approach with the end goal of benefits to the entire team by the improvement in the independence or ability that people had to stay in their own homes and increasing the capacity of the MDT.


7.5       The Chair commented that the UUCPB had not included wider stakeholders such as GPs and carers, in its membership and she enquired how they would be involved in looking at the remainder of the funding.  Mrs Robertson confirmed that Mr Chris Myers was in dialogue with the GP executive in regard to GP involvement in the UUCPB and he would also be picking up the inclusion of carers.


7.6       Mr David Robertson supported the recommendations to fund the CES and RAD service and spoke of their effect on the whole system in addressing: prevention to admission; ensuring people could stay in or return to their own homes or the community; support to reduce delayed discharges; and supporting the flow of patients through the whole system.


7.7       Mr Taylor commented that he was keen to understand how the funding would be spent to build capacity for the third sector and also suggested an inclusion in the performance report to indicate performance against the 3 metrics.


The HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD noted the new recurrent funding allocation, its scope and desired impacts.


The HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD noted the process undertaken to rapidly review potential initiatives.


The HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD noted the limitations outlined to the process within the paper.


The HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD agreed in principle to the earmarking of £312k recurrent funding from the allocation for the Community Equipment Store (£159k), and the Rapid Assessment and Discharge Service (£153k), pending further review by the Integration Joint Board’s Strategic Planning Group. The Strategic Planning Group would also review associated directions.


The HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD agreed to the approach of prioritising the £205k remaining MDT funding following further engagement at the Urgent and Unscheduled Care Programme Board with key stakeholders including GPs and carers.


The HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD asked that Mr Chris Myers clarify that GPs and carers had been granted membership of the UUCPB.


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