Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Any Other Items Which The Chairman Decides Are Urgent.


          Under Section 50B(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the Chair was of the opinion that the item dealt with in the following paragraphs should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency, in view of the need to make an early decision.


9.1     A request had been received from the Peebles Beltane Committee to plant one of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Trees on Tweed Green, the deadline for which was the end of March.  At the conclusion of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, the trees which had formed part of the event on the Mall in London were earmarked for distribution to counties via Lord Lieutenants.  These 'trees of trees' were to be awarded to groups who had done great work for their communities.  Tweeddale was given one 'tree of trees' and Sir Hew Strachan nominated the Beltane Committee to receive it, a proposal which met the full approval of the organisers of the Queen's Green Canopy.  The rowan tree was currently about 8ft and could grow to 25-30 ft and was to be accompanied by a commemorative plaque.  Members agreed to the preferred site of near the wishing well provided the necessary checks were made for cabling and pipework.  Haylodge Park had been earmarked for the second site if required.


9.2     A request had been received from Anne Woodcock, Communications and Fundraising Officer with for permission to stage an event on behalf of the Tweed Foundation and Peeblesshire Trout Fishing Association on Tweed Green on Saturday 1st April 2023. The event was to celebrate the start of the Trout Season on Tweed. The day was an opportunity to promote the health and wellbeing benefits of fishing; to chat with local anglers and engage with new, lapsed, or inactive anglers and help grow participation within the area; to launch the new Trout & Grayling Logbook which monitored trout and grayling with Citizen Science and to launch the RiverFly Monitoring Initiative for Tweed with an opportunity for local residents to find out more and to get involved. Tweed Foundation biologists were also to discuss the Tweed Trout & Grayling Initiative on the river which included the Trout Acoustic Tracking project.  The applicant was to be directed to the booking form to be completed and emailed to PLACE Bookings to secure the date.  A request was made that the event was used to publicise the Tweeddale area and the Chair undertook to meet with Ms Woodcock to discuss how this might be achieved.





(a)     to the Beltane Committee planting the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee rowan tree and commemorative plaque by the wishing well on Tweed Green, provided the necessary checks were made for cabling and pipework;


(b)     to the staging of an event by on Tweed Green on 1 April 2023, with the proviso that the event was used to publicise the Tweeddale area



At the conclusion of the formal business the Sub-Committee held a Q&A session with members of the public.  A copy of the questions and the responses given forms the Appendix to this Minute


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Scottish Borders Council

Council Headquarters Newtown St. Boswells Melrose TD6 0SA

Tel: 0300 100 1800


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