Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Day Services Provision in Teviot and Liddesdale - Next Steps

Consider report by Chief Officer Health & Social Care Integration.  (Copy attached.)


         With reference to paragraph 17 of the Minute of 29 September 2022, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Chief Officer Health and Social Care Integration advising Members of the next steps relating to reviewing Day Service provision in Teviot and Liddesdale.  The report explained that the intention was to design a seamless service offering across Health and Social Care services, which would provide enabling, person-centred and relationship centred support.  This would include the provision of information and support to both carers and those being cared for who used services.  Work on the future design of day services would be treated as a fresh process, with a new Integrated Impact Assessment and further consultation within the Teviot and Liddesdale locality initially.  This would help inform similar future work in other localities and would include work to explore opportunities to integrate with services and to develop new approaches.  No decisions as to the future model of day service delivery had as yet been made, and a future consultation on the model of day service provision would now be undertaken, referencing the work of the unpaid carers group. Work to re-design services would adopt the principles of co–production, fully involving and engaging service users, carers, and other stakeholders in a thorough process of consultation.  The process would ensure that equalities issues were fully identified and addressed, along with the views of consultees in developing the future service delivery model.  A paper would now be produced making recommendations for review by the Integration Joint Board Strategic Planning Group in November, prior to discussion at the Integration Joint Board in December.  This would then be brought back to Council with a recommended way forward.   Members welcomed the report and emphasised the need for a robust review and the need for the new services to be provided as soon as possible.  In response to a question on the legal requirements of the judgement, the Chief Legal officer advised that external legal advice had been taken and she was content that the Council were taking the necessary steps to meet the requirements imposed by Lady Carmichael.  The decision of Court was specific to Teviot & Liddesdale and once that had been looked at, further consideration would be given to the rest of Day Services across the Borders.  The Acting Chief Executive assured Members that the decision to close the Day Centre had not been taken on financial grounds, as often it was more expensive to provide services out-with a Day Centre, but was instead trying to meet the needs of users within communities.  The Council recognised that the decision to close had been wrong and the judgement had been accepted.  Officers were acting as quickly as possible to bring back further details to Members as early as was practicable. 





          (a)     to note the update on the next steps in reviewing Day Service provision in Teviot and Liddesdale;


          (b)     that a new process of consultation on the design and delivery of day services, and new equalities impact assessment would now be undertaken; and


          (c)     to request that a report recommending the way forward for day services be brought back to Council by the Chief Officer following appropriate consideration with the Integration Joint Board.


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Scottish Borders Council

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