Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Integrated Care Plan Update

Chief Officer


Mrs Susan Manion advised that the Integrated Care Fund (ICF) plan had been agreed the previous year in line with the criteria for the funding given at that time.  The ICF Plan had been developed to assist in meeting the national outcomes and had been mindful of the lessons learnt from the Change Fund programme.  Rather than seeking bids, work was done to commission key pieces of work to achieve outcomes   Commissioned projects were taken through the ICF Programme Board and Strategic Planning Project Board before being submitted to the Integration Joint Board.  Mrs Manion recalled that Mr Raine had been concerned that the Integration Joint Board was not sighted on how the ICF monies were being used and that the governance routes were unclear.  She suggested that the governance arrangements be refreshed and the plan be updated. 


Mr David Davidson enquired if the ICF monies were spent without the direction of the Integration Joint Board?  Mr Raine clarified that it was a similar point that he had tried to raise earlier seeking clarification on how the Integration Joint Board satisfied itself that it had proper governance over the £6.3m over the next 3 years, when the report before the Integration Joint Board gave a schedule of schemes which could not determined as to what they were, how they were prioritized and what they were delivering. 


Mrs Carol Gillie confirmed that earlier in the year the governance arrangements around the ICF had been agreed and it had been confirmed that the Integration Joint Board delegated the authority to approve project funding to the ICF Programme Board and had asked for six monthly update reports.  She summarized that the ICF Steering Group reviewed each project against the criteria which included outcomes, sustainability and financials, the ICF Programme Board had authority to approve up to £75k anything above that level was escalated to the Strategic Planning Project Board.  It was obvious that by the time the update was submitted to the Integration Joint Board it was presented as a very high level update with the detail removed.


Mr David Robertson clarified that the budget for 2015/16 for the ICF was £2.1m with a projected spend of £470k by end of March 2016.  Discussions had taken place between Mr Robertson and Mrs Gillie in regard to passing the resource to Scottish Borders Council to carry forward. 


Mr Davidson enquired if the Health Board had made a formal arrangement to ring fence the money when passing across to Scottish Borders Council in terms of audit.  Mrs Gillie confirmed a formal arrangement had been made to satisfy NHS audit purposes.


Cllr Bhatia noted that the report was light on detail in relation to the projects themselves. It was agreed that, as well as a refresh of the governance arrangements, more detail on the agreed pieces of work would be outlined at the next meeting.


The HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD agreed to a refresh of the ICF governance arrangements and an update of the plan.


The HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD agreed that the report be revised to include further detail.




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