Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Safer Communities Update and Key Activities

Consider Report by Safer Communities and Community Justice Manager. (Copy attached).


4.            Safer Communities Update and Key Activities

4.1       There had been circulated copies of a Report by the Safer Communities and Community Justice Manager.  In 2021/22 there was an increase in group 1-5 crime of 6.7% when compared to 2020/21. However in 2020/21 the country was still recovering from pandemic restrictions and recorded crimes were lower than would normally have been expected.  In 2021/22 there was a decrease in antisocial behaviour incidents of 25.8% when compared to 2020/21.  The increase in antisocial behaviour incidents in 2020/21 was in large due to the increased number of calls to Police Scotland during lockdown where breaches of government guidelines were being regularly reported. The 2021/22 were more closely aligned to those recorded 2019/20, pre-pandemic.   In 2021/22 there was a 1.5% decrease in people being monitored for antisocial behaviour and the number of early interventions undertaken by ASB partners decreased by 7.6% when compared to 2020/21.  Mediation referrals were 69.4% lower in 2021/22 when compared to 2020/21. There had also been a drop in the percentage of mediation cases that had a successful outcome.  The downturn in performance was due to the continued impact of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions and the vacancy in the mediation officer post from quarter 3 of 2021/22.    In terms of key successes, three of the four ASB Officers had been trained and accredited in Mediation, the remaining officer would undertake and complete training in June.  Antisocial Behaviour Officers now had Areas of Responsibility (AOR), broadly in line with Police areas and this would greatly enhance the exchange of information between all partners as well as foster good working relationships. System development for a new database to support the work of the Antisocial Behaviour Unit was making good progress although it may take a little longer to transition than initially expected.  Multi-Agency Face-to-Face warnings were now back in place Database development in MOSIAC continued and changes to the web pages, leaflets and referral forms had been completed.


4.2       Mr Jones went on to provide some insight into the key highlights, explaining that the number of domestic abuse incidents reported to police in 2021/22 was 1284, an increase of one since 2020/21.  The number of referrals to the Domestic Abuse Advocacy Support (DAAS) service in 2021/22 was 462, which was 9 referrals higher than 2020/21 and the repeat referrals to the DAAS service in 2021/22 stood at 33%, slightly higher than the target of 30%.  The number of clients contacted within agreed timescales was significantly higher than the 80% baseline and stood at 92.8%.  In terms of successes, an appointment had been made for the 21hr advocate post and induction was progressing well.  Leading Lights accreditation was progressing and the assessment of standards was planned for December 2022.  DAAS continued to pursue available funding to alleviate hardship, poverty and costs of safety and a successful partnership bid by DAAS to the Hardship fund on behalf of Border Women’s Aid, Children1st and Scottish Border Rape Crisis Service saw all specialist services receive over £10,000 of supermarket vouchers. A further application to the Nat West Circle fund had been submitted for £5,000 to support clients with specific activities, which would support their recovery but were ordinarily out with their budget.   Work was underway to implement a Suicide Protocol into the DAAS as a result of a significant increases in the number of calls from clients expressing suicidal ideation.  The protocol had been developed with the NHS Borders Suicide Prevention lead and had been welcomed by staff due to the impact of managing such calls, was available for sharing nationally to other IDAA services.  DAAS Service Exit interviews for 2021/22 show continued positive outcomes for clients after working with DAAS in relation to safety, confidence, impact on children and accessing support.  The key issues were highlighted in terms of court processes, delays and case disposals which were having a significant impact on the time taken to support clients and help them understand the court decisions.  There had been an increase in MARAC referrals and work was underway to ascertain the best model to ensure a maintained focus and risk management model to address the increase.  DAAS continued to deliver the required support in the given timeframes but Staff continued to work from home.    Redevelopment of the safety planning template and recorded consent forms on the DAAS database was underway as a result of an in-depth review of safety planning and to bring Consent into line with GDPR. 


4.3       In terms of reducing injury and preventing accidents, Mr Jones explained that the priority areas of focus, accidents involving motorcyclists showed an increase in casualties in 2021/22 when compared to 2020/21, with 16 additional casualties reported.   Accidents involving older drivers had resulted in 3 killed or seriously injured in 2021/22, lower than 2020/21. Younger drivers aged 17-25 involved in accidents had resulted in 5 killed or seriously injured in 2021/22, higher than 2020/21.  Following an appraisal of the role of Community Safety Officer and changing business needs, adjustments had been made to the function within the post. The Community Safety/Policy Officer post had been filled and a review of the reporting requirement into Scrutiny for this post was being conducted.


4.4       Mr Jones referred to the Ukrainian refugee re-settlement scheme and in response to a question about interpreters advised that there were staff who spoke Russian and Ukrainian and so this had not presented as a problem.



AGREED to note the Report.


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Scottish Borders Council

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