Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Property Update

Consider general property update by Estates Surveyor.


3.1       Peebles Highland Games – Siting of Shipping Container

With reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of 18 August 2021, there had been circulated copies of a paper by the Estates Surveyor advising that part of the land was in the ownership of the NHS.  Peebles Rugby Club had advised that they had Minutes from the 1950’s stating that the land was gifted to them and further proof of this was being sought.  In response to a question the Solicitor advised that poor records for the Common Good existed from that time.  Ms Hill advised that the claim would be investigated further and they were also speaking to the NHS.  She proposed that if the land belonged to the Common Good then permission be granted for the rugby club and highland games association to proceed with their proposals for the land. The Councils Parks team had been consulted and had no objection to the proposals. The work would be subject to the clubs obtaining planning permission, permission from the NHS for the portion of land that was in NHS ownership and entering into a written agreement with the Common Good for the portion of land within Common Good ownership.  She confirmed that appropriate conditions would be attached to the permission.



            AGREED to approve the request for the siting of the shipping container subject to the requirements detailed above.


3.2       Venlaw Quarry

            With reference to paragraph 8.1 of the Private Minute of 18 August 2021, the Estates Surveyor advised that the fencing works had now been instructed but 3 additional trees needed to be removed at a cost of £865.



            AGREED to the additional works at Venlaw Quarry at a cost of £865.


3.3       Peebles Tennis Club

            The Estates Surveyor advised that the Tennis Club were having problems with their Pavilion and she had been contacted regarding the Common Good Fund meeting maintenance costs.  She had advised that maintenance was their responsibility but they had requested that this be reviewed.  Members agreed that Ms Hill confirm the position regarding maintenance being their responsibility.



            AGREED that the Estates Survey confirm to Peebles Tennis Club that maintenance of the Pavilion was their responsibility`.


3.4       Use of Common Good Fund Parks

            A paper by theEstates Surveyor had been circulated which set out the current arrangements for the booking of all parks including those belonging to the Common Good Fund and listed the requests for 2021.  The system had recently been reviewed by the Council’s Events Group and the views of the Common Good Fund were being sought.  Following a discussion Members agreed that the current booking system be maintained but that if there was no charge attached to a booking that the event organisers be requested to consider making a donation to the Common Good Fund.  The Estates Surveyor advised that she would provide regular updates on the bookings made.



            AGREED to that the current system of booking parks belong to the Common Good Fund remain unchanged but that the organisers of events for which no charge was being made be asked to consider making a donation to the Common Good Fund.


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Scottish Borders Council

Council Headquarters Newtown St. Boswells Melrose TD6 0SA

Tel: 0300 100 1800


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