Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Jim Clark Museum

Consider report by the Corporate Transformation and Services Director on the proposals to create a Jim Clark Museum by refurbishing and extending the existing displays at 44 Newtown Street, Duns.  (Copy attached.)


There had been circulated copies of a report by the Corporate Transformation and Services Director providing an update on the proposals to create a Jim Clark Museum by refurbishing and extending the existing displays at 44 Newtown Street, Duns. The report further sought approval for officers to submit a stage 1 application to Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) by 27 November 2015 for a grant to support both the capital works and a 4 year supporting revenue programme.   During 2015 officers had worked with the Jim Clark Memorial Room Trust (JCMRT) to develop proposals for a new Jim Clark Museum in Duns. Based on a design proposal prepared by the Council’s Architects the total capital costs of the project had been estimated at £1.4m. Including the 4 year revenue programme the total project cost was £1.65m.  In February 2012 Scottish Borders Council approved a capital investment of £620k within its Capital Plan, of which a balance of £603k was available to be allocated to the next phases of the project’s delivery. To bridge the funding gap a twin track approach was proposed:-


(i)         a Stage 1 Heritage Lottery Fund application and accompanying business plan had been prepared. The HLF application was for 41% of the project costs or c£700k, this also included an allocation towards the accompanying revenue programme.  To meet the project and HLF timetable the stage 1 application required to be submitted by 27 November 2015.


(ii)        a separate fund raising programme led by the new Jim Clark Trust with a target of £300k.


The JCMRT Trustees, and in particular the family trustees, felt there was  significant added value they could  bring to the project in terms of experience,  networking and fundraising which was  difficult to deliver through the limited scope of the JCMRT. As a result a new SCIO, a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, had very recently been established by the family Trustees. This new trust would be known as the Jim Clark Trust and would work in partnership with the Council, the proposed Culture and Sports Trust and the JCMRT.  It was important that an effective and robust written Agreement clarifying roles and responsibilities was developed and this was seen as a key outcome of the HLF stage 1 period.  The Cultural Services Manager was in attendance and answered Members’ questions relating to the facility.   The importance of good advance signage to allow tourists to recognise the attraction was discussed and it was noted that this would be made clear in the design plans.  Members commended the report.



(a)        NOTED

            (i)         the progress that had been made to create a Jim Clark Museum at 44 Newtown Street, Duns including the financial implications detailed in the report;


            (ii)        the reasons for the establishment of a new charitable trust, The Jim Clark Trust, and agreed the need to establish an effective and robust Agreement between this new Trust, Scottish Borders Council, the new Culture and Sports Trust and the existing Jim Clark Memorial Room Trust.


(b)       AGREED

            (i)         that the acceleration of the construction programme to deliver the project by May 2018 would require to be incorporated into the considerations for the construction of the 2016/17 ten year Capital Plan and might have an impact on the timing of other capital projects or the capital funding assumptions underpinning it;


            (ii)        to submit the stage 1 HLF application by 27 November 2015;


           (iii)        to instruct offices to return to the Executive with an updated report and business plan before submitting a stage 2 HLF application; and


           (iv)        to proceed with a fund raising effort with the two Jim Clark trusts for the additional £300k required to bridge the funding gap.



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