Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Progress Reports/Update on Service Matters - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Update on Service and Operational Matters.


(i)  Performance Report.  (Copy attached).


(ii) Scottish Borders Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2021. (Copy attached).


LSO Stephen Gourlay.






4.1       With reference to paragraph 4 of the Minute of 5 February 20201, Local Senior Officer Gourlay introduced the SFRS Local Performance Plan for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda.   The LSO advised that it has been a challenging period but locally they were looking forward to blended working arrangements for partnerships and training. Nationally, the Scottish Government were committed to supporting the modernisation of the SFRS, central to this was broadening the role of firefighters in Scotland.   A new Scottish Strategic Plan would be generated this year.  There would also be a consultation around the management of Unwanted Fire Alarm signals.   LSO Gourlay further advised that 12 local fire stations had been used to deliver asymptomatic testing, as part of a partnership approach, which had received a positive community response.  


4.2       Group Commander (GC) Tony Collins then went on to highlight the main points from the performance report, explaining that dwelling fires, all fire casualties, deliberate fires, road traffic collisions and special service casualties had all decreased.  False alarm equipment failure had also decreased slightly.  He explained that the SFRS had attended 1,500 incidents over the last year, which was down 159 from the previous year, of which 57% of these related to Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals (UFAS).  There had been no major incidents in the year to date.   With regard to Prevention and Protection activities, an update had been circulated with the agenda.   Although performance activity had been severely curtailed because of restrictions, the SFRS had recommended high risk home safety visits and would start visiting businesses and schools when it was appropriate to do so.  In response a question regarding road traffic collisions in Berwickshire, Mr Gourlay advised that the SFRS only attended when intervention was required and they did not get involved in collision investigation.    The recent fatal fire investigation had been referred to the Procurator Fiscal and appropriate safety measures would be issued.   Regarding the trends relating to all deliberate fire and UFAS with peaks in quarter 1 and quarter 2 respectively.  LSO Gourlay explained that deliberate fires increased during the lighter nights, drier weather and Easter holidays and they had an appropriate tactical action plan in place. The decrease in UFAS was probably due to schools returning, with primary schools and nurseries being one of the largest offenders.   Most UFAS’s came from a collector service with no contact from the site, this might be one of the options that was explored in the consultation.   With regard to SEPA identifying potential fire risks to the SFRS, LSO Gourlay explained that they had a good working relationship with SEPA and it would be useful to have an awareness but that the SFRS had no role in preventing fly tipping   To conclude his report GC Collins explained that as well as assisting with asymptomatic testing the SFRS were discussing assisting the NHS with surge testing.  


LSO Gourlay then referred to the updated 2021 SFRS Local Fire and Rescue Plan, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda.  He explained that the priorities remained the same with the focus on delivering in partnership.   There would be a new Scottish Strategic Plan when the Local Plan would be refreshed again.  In response to questions regarding flood rescue he discussed the resource for swift water rescue in the Scottish Borders and opportunities to upskill stations for flood level response based on past incidents.   He would arrange a demonstration later this year when restrictions allowed.  With regard to cross border support he advised that cooperation happened but the percentage was small.



  (a)     NOTED the report.


*   (b)     AGREED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL approval of the 2021 SFRS Local Plan, attached to the Minute.    



Mrs Simpson left the meeting during consideration of the above report.


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