Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Synthetic Pitch Programme - Peebles and Hawick 3G Projects

Consider report by Corporate Transformation & Services Director on the Synthetic Pitch Programme


There  had been circulated copies of a report by the Corporate Transformation and Services Director proposing that the 3G synthetic pitch proposed for Peebles be located at Victoria Park as detailed in Appendix B to the report,  and that the budget be increased by the sum of £564,200 in accordance with project estimates; the budget for Hawick 3G synthetic pitch at Volunteer Park, as detailed in Appendix F to the report, be increased by £287,000 in accordance with project estimates; and both the Peebles and Hawick pitches were constructed during 2016.  The report explained that, in respect of Peebles, studies had been carried out on locations at the Gytes Leisure Centre, Victoria Park, Craigerne Lane, the High School and Haylodge Park.  Public consultations had been carried out on locations at Peebles High School, Craigerne Lane and Victoria Park.  The public consultations had indicated that Victoria Park was the most suitable location for a 3G pitch in Peebles.  The location at the Gytes Leisure Centre was rejected owing to the risk posed by flooding and Scottish Environment Protection Agency’s opposition to development on a functional floodplain.  Haylodge Park was rejected because of the need to undo previous improvement works if a full size pitch was to be created.  Craigerne Lane options were rejected because of the strength of local resident objections.  In respect of Hawick, the location at the present rugby club pitch at Volunteer Park had been the settled position since project inception.  It was noted that meetings would take place shortly relating to funding with Sport Scotland and stakeholder work was still to be carried out with Scottish Borders Leisure Trust and sporting clubs in both the Peebles and Hawick areas.  The Chief Financial Officer confirmed that a decision regarding funding was not being sought at this meeting but it was necessary to embark on preparatory work at this juncture to enable the projects to be delivered timeously.  Everything needed to be ready to go at the end of March/beginning of April 2016 to allow completion of the pitches by August, particularly in Hawick, so they could be available to be used for league football and rugby matches.  Councillor Bell expressed concern about the increased cost of the Peebles project and the contribution from Sport Scotland, and proposed a further two recommendations, as follows:  (e) to request that the Chief Executive continue to engage with Sport Scotland to seek to agree an equitable contribution from both parties to the costs of Peebles and Hawick 3G Pitches so that all such pitches in the Council’s programme could be delivered without significant disadvantage to the Council’s Capital budget; and (f) that Officers engage with the communities to see if they could access funding sources.    Councillor Bell’s recommendations were unanimously accepted.  Members discussed the impact improved facilities could have on sports achievements, the funding for the projects and the potential impact on the capital programme.





 (a)       that Victoria Park was  the preferred location for a 3G synthetic pitch in 



 (b)      that Council consider the addition of £564,200 to the Peebles 3G Project Budget as part of the construction of the 2016/17 capital programme and noted that the increased cost might have an impact on the scope and timing of other capital projects and the revenue budget;


 (c)      that Council consider the addition of £287,000 to the Hawick 3G Project Budget as part of the construction of the 2016/17 capital programme and note that the increased cost may have an impact on the scope and timing of other capital projects and the revenue budget; 


 (d)      the timelines for delivery within the report and consequently agreed that:


(i)      planning applications could  be submitted to allow construction of both projects during 2016;


(ii)          procurement of the necessary construction contracts should proceed with contract award awaiting confirmation of final budgets, again to allow project delivery in 2016;


(iii)    the necessary reports should be submitted to Hawick and Peebles Common Good Committees to agree  the appropriate leases of ground for the new pitches;


   (e)    to request that the Chief Executive continue to engage with Sport Scotland to seek to agree an equitable contribution from both parties to the costs of Peebles and Hawick 3G Pitches so that all such pitches in the Council’s programme could be delivered without significant disadvantage to the Council’s Capital budget; and


  (f)      that Officers engage with the communities to see if they could access funding sources.   



Councillor Smith joined the meeting for the above item of business, and left the meeting at the conclusion of the discussion.

Councillor Aitchison joined the meeting during the discussion of the above item of business.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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