Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Safer Communities Performance Update and Key Activities

To consider report by Safer Communities & Community Justice Manager.  (Copy attached).


There had been circulated copies of the Safer Communities performance report for 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2020.    The Safer Communities and Community Justice Manager, Mr Jones, was in attendance.  Mr Jones began by advising that some of his staff were still deployed to the Covid-19 response, assisting in Community Assistance Hubs and with the vaccination programme. As part of agile working arrangements the service would be co-located within the Public Protection Unit.    He further advised that arrangements had been strengthened in relation to the New Scots Worker who would support the Home office Vulnerable Person’s Resettlement Scheme.  The Community Justice Plan would be considered by the Community Planning Strategic Board in March for sign off and delivery, this was a statutory requirement.  Chief Inspector Fisher had referenced a Rural Crime Partnership, the first meeting of which was scheduled for the end of February.  These meetings would be similar to CAT meetings in terms of format. .  The Board would be updated on progress at the next meeting.   A strategic assessment was due at the end of 2021, this would consider future priorities aligned to the wider Public Protection Service’s arrangements. Preliminary work was underway to improve information management linked to the corporate digital strategy.


5.2       Mr Jones then went on to discuss the Q3 Scrutiny Report.  In terms of ASB he advised that the ASB Working Group had met yesterday.  The Group met monthly and agreed common policy approaches with partners.  There was also a Core Group which again met monthly.   There were a number of ASB Orders in process for individuals.  There had been a decrease in the number of people being monitored for ASB.   Early interventions has risen which showed the partnership activity in support of the process.  Mr Jones explained that the number of cases discussed at the Core Group had risen, perhaps because people were confined to their homes.  Mr Jones explained there were challenges with deploying noise monitoring equipment because of Covid-19 restrictions.   There had been a decrease in mediation as face to face meetings were not possible and also the Mediation Officer was committed to the Gypsy Traveller liaison role during the pandemic.   With regard to gender based violence, Mr Jones advised that although police incidents had risen, referrals had reduced because they were now referred to one central generic Advocate based service. In the past referrals had been submitted for a range of services which accounted for the difference in numbers and an individual may have had more than one referral.    The CEDAR group was running again which was positive. MARAC continued and numbers had risen which was positive in that these cases were being considered in a multi-agency arena to improve management and safety planning.   Mr Jones highlighted the number of domestic abuse repeat referrals advising that regular dialogue occurred to assess if further measures could be taken.   Mr Jones concluded his report by advising that it was hoped Drivewise would start up again once the Covid restrictions eased. 


5.3       In response to a question regarding Syrian families’ resettlement to the Scottish Borders, Mr Jones advised that there were nine families currently and an agreement by Council to take another 10.   The original families had settled well.  Most recent arrivals had been supported and the use of digital options used when appropriate.    Regarding the ASB group meeting participants, Mr Jones advised that arrangements were being progressed to invite Link Housing to future ASB Core Group meetings. It was noted that the Violence Against Women Partnership would be more appropriate forum for Mrs Simpson to attend.



NOTED the report.



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Scottish Borders Council

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