Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Local Development Plan

Consider report by Executive Director, Corporate Improvement & Economy.  (Copy attached.)


7.1    With reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of 26 June 2019, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Executive Director, Corporate Improvement & Economy, seeking agreement on the Council’s Proposed Local Development Plan (LDP) including the responses to matters raised from the consultation on the Main Issues Report.  The report detailed the background and legislative requirements for the preparation of the LDP, confirmed its format, and identified the main component parts.  The report included reference to policy amendments, new site allocations, site removals and other material considerations including background papers which helped guide the preparation of the LDP.  Following the approval of the Proposed LDP there would be a 12 week period for public representation through an online consultation.  Any outstanding objections to the Proposed LDP would be subject to Examination by the Scottish Government Reporters from the Planning and Environmental Appeals Division.  It was explained that it had originally been planned to present this report to Members at the Council meeting in March 2020.  However, due to the COVID 19 outbreak and a number of related issues, particularly with regards to how the Plan would be successfully consulted upon given the lockdown and the indefinite postponement of public meetings, consideration had been given to delay until this meeting.  Members discussed certain aspects of the report in detail and a number of amendments were submitted as detailed below.


7.2    Councillor Mountford, seconded by Councillor Weatherston, moved approval of the report subject to the addition of the following amendments to Policy ED4 – Core Activity Areas in Town Centres in the LDP:-


         *Para 1.3: Amend the last two sentences to read: “As the Core Activity Areas for Kelso, Melrose and Peebles continue to perform at a comparatively high level, there is less requirement to add more flexibility of uses.”

         Para 1.4: Amend the first sentence to read: “In terms of Kelso, Melrose and Peebles, proposed changes from Class 1 to Class 2 could be supported where the proposal contributes positively to the core activity of the area and will be assessed against the following:”

         Purple box on Plan Page 63: Amend the third para to read: “However, changes from Class 1 to Class 2 uses in Kelso, Melrose and Peebles will be allowed where a proposal makes a positive contribution to the core retail function and satisfactory marketing information is submitted in relation to premises that have been vacant for a minimum of six months.”


7.3    Councillor Aitchison, seconded by Councillor Rowley, moved as an amendment in respect of the inclusion of “Netherbarns” (AGALA029) in the proposed LDP, “that taking into account all matters raised in response to the MIR, principally the location of the proposed development as it related to Abbotsford House itself, including the uncertainty and seasonal nature of the tree screening, it was considered that the potential harmful impact of the development was unacceptable and that the site should not be included in the Local Development Plan.  Abbotsford was an internationally recognised heritage asset for the Borders and Scotland. The design of the surroundings and the house, including its outlook across the Tweed, were all part of Scott’s creation, which we had a duty to protect.”


7.4    Councillor Aitchison, seconded by Councillor H. Scott, moved a second amendment to request that “a Development brief be prepared for Galashiels areas ZR06, including Roxburgh Street, Botany Mill the Glasite Chapel, and also RGALA002. Respecting the industrial and residential mix of the area and including a review of access to the A72 and A7.”


7.5    Councillor Laing, seconded by Councillor A. Anderson, moved as an amendment that on Policy PMD1: Sustainability on page 40 of the Plan (page 122 of the agenda pack) – change of wording from “the Council will have regard to the following sustainability principles” to “the Council will apply the following sustainability principles”.


7.6    Councillor Moffat, seconded by Councillor A. Anderson, moved as an amendment that on page 80 of the Plan (agenda pack page 171) that “Affordable Housing change from 25% to 40%.”


7.7    Councillor Moffat, seconded by Councillor Bell, moved a second amendment on page 278 of the Plan (agenda pack page 365) – to “delete site ACOLD014 due to conflict with a working farm.”


7.8    Following the submission of these amendments Members discussed the pros and cons of each before the votes were held.  It was agreed that the Motion by Councillor Mountford recommending approval of the report, as amended by him and accepting the addition of the second amendment by Councillor Aitchison as detailed in paragraph 7.4 above was the substantive motion.  A vote would be taken for and against the remaining amendments detailed in paragraphs 7.3, 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7 above and any that were successful would be added to the substantive Motion.




         7.3 Amendment by Councillor Aitchison, seconded by Councillor Rowley

         For – 11 votes

         Against – 18 votes

         Abstain - 1


         7.5 Amendment by Councillor Laing, seconded by Councillor A. Anderson

         For – 19 votes

         Against – 11 votes


         7.6 Amendment by Councillor Moffat, seconded by Councillor A. Anderson

         For – 7 votes

         Against – 22 votes

         Abstain – 1


         7.7 Amendment by Councillor Moffat, seconded by Councillor Bell

         For – 11 votes

         Against – 18 votes

         Abstain – 1


         All amendments fell except that moved by Councillor Laing which was duly added to the approved Motion.


         The Convener asked that the thanks of Members for the extensive amount of work carried out by Ian Aikman, Charles Johnston and the team in producing the Local Plan be recorded.



         DECIDED to:-


(a)       approve the Proposed Local Development Plan, as contained in Appendix A to the report and incorporating the amendments as details in paragraphs 7.2, 7.4 and 7.5 above;


(b)       agree the proposed responses to the outstanding matters from consultation on the Main Issues Report, as contained in Appendix B to the report;


(c)       agree the recommendations of the site assessment database for all sites considered as part of the Local Development Plan process, as contained in Appendix C to the report;


(d)       delegate any editing changes of a non-policy nature to the Executive Director, Corporate Improvement and Economy;


(e)       publish the Proposed Local Development Plan for public representation for a period of 12 weeks; and


(f)        note the updated Environmental Report on the Proposed Local Development Plan.



Councillor Brown left the meeting during consideration of the above item.


Note:  The meeting broke for lunch at 1:30pm and resumed at 2:00pm.



Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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