Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Continuation: Consider request for review of refusal of application for erection of dwellinghouse, garages and associated access on land NW of Town O'Rule Farmhouse, Bonchester Bridge, Hawick. 18/01194/FUL. 20/00001/RREF.

Copies of the following papers attached:-



The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed Members of the Local Review Body and members of the public to the Scottish Borders Council’s first publicly open on-line meeting.  The meeting was being held remotely in order to adhere to guidance on public meetings and social distancing currently in place, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.



Having not been present when the following review was first considered Councillors Ramage and Richards did not take part in the determination and left the on-line meeting prior to its consideration.



With reference to paragraph 2 of the Minute of 16 March 2020, there had been re-circulated copies of the request from Mr Jamie Reddihough per Mark R Russell, Ethical Planning (North East) Ltd, Stoddart Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, to review the decision to refuse the planning application for erection of a dwellinghouse, garages and associated access on land North West of Town O’ Rule Farmhouse, Bonchester Bridge, Hawick. The supporting papers included the Notice of Review and associated documents (including the Decision Notice and Officer’s Report); papers referred to in the Officer’s Report; Consultations; and a list of policies. Also circulated were copies of the response from the Council’s Ecology Officer on new evidence in the form of a report entitled Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment and Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, which had been submitted with the Notice of Review documentation and which had not been before the Appointed Planning Officer at the time of determination.  After noting from the additional written submission that the Ecology Officer accepted the findings of the bat survey and Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, subject to appropriate conditions, Members continued their consideration of the application.  They noted that the principle of a house on the site had previously been established. Their ensuing discussion focussed, in particular on the sense of place, scale, siting and design of the proposed dwellinghouse.  Although some concern was expressed about the height and dominance of the building within the landscape the majority of Members concluded that, due to the layout of surrounding buildings and the slope of the land to the rear, any potential visual impact would be minimised. Councillor Mountford, seconded by Councillor Fullarton, moved that the officer’s decision be overturned and the application approved.  Councillor Laing moved as an amendment that the officer’s decision to refuse the application be upheld, but the amendment did not receive a seconder so the application was approved.



AGREED that:-


(a)        the review could be considered without the need for any further procedure on the basis of the papers submitted and the additional written submission;


(b)       the proposal would be in keeping with the Development Plan; and


(c)        the officer’s decision to refuse the application be reversed and planning permission be granted, subject to conditions, informatives and a legal agreement, for the reasons detailed in Appendix I to this Minute.



Councillors Ramage and Richardson returned to the on-line meeting.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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Tel: 0300 100 1800


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