Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Earlston Catchment Area Youth Services

Presentation by Susan Law, Sean Criton and Chris Donnely


The Chairman welcomed Sean Crichton (6th Year Pupil - Earlston High), Susan Law, Development Officer based at Langlee and Chris Donnelly (EYCB).  It was explained that the Earlston catchment area covered Earlston, Oxton, St Boswells, Melrose, Lauder, Newtown, Gordon and Newstead.  Within the catchment area there were 2,328 young people, with a school roll of 1041 of which 85% stayed on at school until 6th year.  From the 1231 leavers in 2014, 93% went onto positive destinations.  In comparison to the Scottish average, those within the Earlston catchment area were relatively low and geographical access for cars, bike and walking was a major contributing factor to the lack of youth opportunities.  The aims of the Voluntary Youth Work Services were to increase and support youth services within the Earlston catchment, to give direction to the part time Development Worker and newly appointed Sessional staff, to submit, monitor and review funding applications for salary; core costs and service development; to provide educational and recreational opportunities for all young people in the area where they live, play and learn and to give continued support to the volunteers through training and face to face support.  In order to develop Youth Work it was essential to work in partnership with other organisations to bring more opportunities to young people.  The main concentration of youth work had been based in Earlston and there was a need to develop new opportunities cascading to other villages, however the expense and availability of community spaces as well as lack of ownership made this an unattractive proposal to young people.  The proposal was to link nearby villages such as Newtown St Boswells and St Boswells and to advertise and open up youth work opportunities to a larger audience from 10- 18 years.  A Youth Survey would be conducted yearly followed up with a small short life working group, to ensure that targets were being met and that the Youth Workers were responsive and reactive when required, matching the responses to the needs of young people in each community.   In terms of funding it was reported that Scottish Borders Council (CYOKG) investment of £8,719 had been extended until September 2016, although a reduction was expected after that, this was match funded with the Robertson Trust at £10k and both funding sources were used to fund the Development Worker Post.  Funding was difficult to secure due to the lack of deprivation in the area and Earlston in some areas matched or exceeded the Scottish average.  A Local Volunteer Coordinator for the catchment area had been secured through a joint partnership bid with YouthBorders to increase local support and involvement and £10k from the Moffat Trust to employ a sessional youth worker at 15 hours per week.   There was Partnership working with VOMO to ensure that the voices of the young people were heard through producing video work through their new TV station and radio program.  The Members acknowledged that Voluntary Youth Work services were essential and urged everyone to support them.  The Chairman thanked those present for their attendance.  



NOTED the presentation.




Scottish Borders Council

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