Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Property Update

Consider verbal report by Property Officer and Estates Officer on:-

(a)          Market site lease

(b)          Common Haugh

(c)          Moor race course

(d)          Pilmuir Silage pit

(e)          Williestruther Loch.




(a)          Market Site Lease

With reference to the Minute of the 13 May 2015, Mr Morison advised that the draft Lease had been sent to Geraud UK Ltd with a provisional date for entry of 22 August 2015.  The Committee thanked Mr Little for collecting the stall rentals from the market traders in the interim period. Mr Little’s assistance was much appreciated by the Sub-Committee.


(b)          Common Haugh

With reference to paragraph 3 of the Private Minute of 26 May 2015, Mr Morison reported that a request had been received from Mr Stuart for permission for a Fun Fair to be held on the Common Haugh at the end of March, beginning of April 2016. There would be a similar number of rides and square footage as last year.  The Sub-Committee requested that a formal application be submitted for consideration at the November meeting of the Sub-Committee.



Councillor Paterson joined the meeting during consideration of the above report.


(c)          Moor Race Course

The Chairman advised that a request had been received from Mr McLeod for permission for a shower provision at the toilet block at Hawick Moor.   It was agreed that the Property Officer, Mr Scott, liaise with Mr McLeod and arrange for shower provision.


(d)          Silage Pit at Pilmuir Farm

With reference to paragraph 6(e) of the Minute of 26 May 2015, the Property Officer, advised that following trial holes, a new site had been identified for the silage pit.  SEPA has approved the outline planning application for the new location.  The Property Officer explained that until the structural design had been agreed the works could not be released for tender.  It was agreed to delegate to the Chairman and Chief Financial Officer the awarding of the tender, if within the budget.  If the tender exceeded the budget then a special meeting to be arranged.


(e)          Willestruther Loch

Mr Scott advised that the ten year inspection of the loch had been carried out by an independent structural engineer at a cost of £3,050.00 which included the annual yearly inspection.  The report was still awaited but there was nothing untoward.  Mr Scott continued that from 2016 Scottish Borders Council (SBC) would not be the reporting authority and SEPA would be taking over responsibility for the Loch; Members requested further information be circulated regarding.


(f)           Pilmuir Cottage

With reference to paragraph 2(b) of the Private Minute of 26 May 2015, property inspections of Pilmuir Cottage and St Leonards Farmhouse had been carried out that day.   In respect of Pilmuir Cottage it was agreed to the replacement of two doors with PVC doors.  The cause of the chimney leak was also to be investigated.  At St Leonard’s Farmhouse, Mr Scott was asked to arrange for tree maintenance to one tree at the front of the property and two at the rear.  The beech tree at Woodend Cottage needed to be removed. 




(a)          To thank Mr Little for his assistance in collecting the rent from the market stallholders;

(b)          To request a formal application by Mr Stuart for consideration at the November meeting of the Sub-Committee for a Fun Fair;

(c)          That the Estates Officer in discussion with Mr McLeod arrange for completion of shower provision at the toilet block at Hawick Moor;

(d)          To delegate permission to the Chairman and Chief Financial Officer for awarding the tender of the silage pit works at Pilmuir Farm;

(e)          To request that the Property Officer arrange for the necessary tree surgery works at St Leonard’s Farm; and

(f)           To request that the Property Officer arrange for the replacement doors at Pilmuir Cottage.





Scottish Borders Council

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Tel: 0300 100 1800


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