Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal - Governance Arrangements

Consider report by Executive Director.  (Copy attached.)


With reference to paragraph 15 of the Private Appendix to the Minute of 26 June 2019, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Executive Director setting out the Collaboration Agreement that would establish the formal governance of the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal (the Deal) and seeking the approval of Members for the Council to enter into the Agreement.  The report also set out the operational requirements of the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal and the need to establish a programme management office (PMO) to support the delivery of the Deal and to contribute to the shared costs for the PMO.  Alongside its four partner Councils, Scottish Borders Council had been progressing work on the development of a Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal.  This work had involved close liaison with both UK and Scottish Governments in order to develop a small number of strategic programmes and projects.  It would be essential that these programmes and projects complemented the South of Scotland Enterprise Agency proposals and supported the inclusive growth agenda. UK and Scottish Governments had committed to fund £345m over 10-15 years for the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, with £150m available for Scotland.  The Borderlands Partnership now needed to move onto a formal footing, based on the Collaboration Agreement set out in Appendix 1 to the report.  The partners were also progressing the establishment of a Programme Management Office to ensure the effective operation of the Deal and the Borderlands Partnership in future.  Mr Dickson advised that Dumfries and Galloway Council had already approved a similar report.  Members welcomed the report and looked forward to the projects being taken forward.





(a)     to enter into a formal agreement with its Borderlands partners as set out in the Collaboration Agreement in Appendix 1 to the report;


(b)     to note that the Agreement contained in Appendix 1 to the report was the final draft, but that there may be a requirement for minor amendments to the Agreement as it was prepared for signature;


(c)     that approval of any further amendments to the Agreement be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member for Business and Economic Development;


(d)     that the Council supported the formation of the Programme Management Office (PMO) and contributed a pro-rata share of the budget, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, at an initial cost of £98, 766, to be funded in the current year from existing Economic Development budget, and subject to future budget planning process;


(e)     to note that the budget for the PMO set out in the report was for the initial requirements and that further capacity may be required as the Deal entered its full delivery phase, and this would be the subject of future reports and budget planning;


(f)      to note that there was considerable further work to support the long term cross-border programme and that consideration would be required through the budget process to the allocation of future revenue and capital to support both the development and delivery of the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, subject to further reporting to Members;


(g)     to appoint the Leader as the Council’s representative on the Partnership Board and that the Executive Member for Business and Economic Development be the substitute as required by the Collaboration Agreement; and


(h)     to note that further reports would be presented to Council to consider the progress from Heads of Terms to Final Deal Agreement.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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