Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Applications for financial assistance

Copies of applications attached from:-


4.1       Souter Stormers

There had been circulated copies of an application for financial assistance on behalf of Souter Stormers.  Within the application it was explained that the organisation, formed in 2015, provided the opportunity for people who knit or crochet to participate in community art projects using their skills and creativity. As well as learning and demonstrating their skills, participants enjoyed the fun, social interaction and recognition they got through being a Souter Yarn Stormer. Activities also involved local businesses, voluntary organisations and the schools, as well as bringing visitors to the town and valleys. The 2019 project was Border Bunnets, a knitted and crocheted themed hat festival (7th – 14th Sept.), with contributions being sought from across the Borders and beyond. There had already been overseas interest in Border Bunnets.  Activities would include street art and displays; displays in shop windows; a pop-up shop and town trail; activities for local children and young people, who were also contributing to the displays; a themed hat competition and culminating in a celebratory Mad Hatters Tea Party at The Haining.  A list of the costs for which the application was being made was given, the total of which was £1,502.  The estimated total cost of the project was £5,200. Funds had already been raised by the organisation and a grant had been received from the SBC Community Grant Scheme. In discussion of the application Members were enthusiastic in their support for Souter Stormers and agreed to grant the funding request in full.



            AGREED to grant to Souter Stormers the total sum requested of £1,502.


4.2       Selkirk Rugby Football Club

There had been circulated copies of an application for financial assistance on behalf of Selkirk Rugby Football Club (SRFC).  It was explained that SRFC currently played in National One of the Scottish Rugby Championships and were being promoted to the Premiership for season 2019/20.  As well as running two senior teams, Philiphaugh hosted many events such as Triathlons, Selkirk Common Riding, First Aid Courses, Fitness Groups, Running Events and Mountain Biking.  The School Teams and Selkirk Youth Club also benefited from the facilities.  A sum of £5,000 was requested towards the cost of a new Grass Cutter, the total cost being £6,000 plus VAT.  Club funds and money raised from various functions and gate receipts would be used to fund the difference.  Keeping the ground well maintained would encourage more groups to use the facilities and ensure the community of Selkirk continued to be proud of the facilities offered.  In discussing the application members recognised the importance to the town of the Rugby Club and the facilities at Philiphaugh.



            AGREED to grant to Selkirk Rugby Football Club the total sum requested of £5,000.


4.3       Scottish Borders Walking Festival

            There had been circulated copies of an application from Selkirk & District Community Council on behalf of the Selkirk and the Valleys Walking Festival Group for financial assistance towards the 25th Scottish Borders Walking Festival, which was being held in Selkirk and The Ettrick & Yarrow Valleys in September 2019.  It was explained that the Festival aimed to provide guided walks of varying lengths and levels of difficulty for visitors and locals to explore the surrounding area.  It was anticipated that the Festival would bring up to 200 walkers to the town with the associated spend on accommodation, food and entertainment to the benefit of local businesses. The Festival also promoted the local area via the website and Social Media pages beyond the actual dates of the event itself.  A grant of up to £1,000 was requested for website development, regarded as a vital tool for promotion, marketing and online bookings.  The estimated total cost of organising the festival was £9,675.  A budget forecast was attached which detailed expected income from walks and donations including contributions from Selkirk Community Council and Ettrick & Yarrow Community Council.  Members agreed to support the application.



            AGREED to grant to Selkirk Community Council the total sum requested of £1,000, to be ring fenced as a contribution towards organisation of the 25th Scottish Borders Walking Festival being held in Selkirk and the valleys of Ettrick & Yarrow.


4.4       Selkirk Ex-Soldiers Association

There had been circulated copies of an application from Selkirk Ex-Soldiers Association for financial assistance towards the purchase and installation of a new bench at Bemersyde Crescent.  Photographs of the current bench and proposed replacement bench were also included.  It was explained that, as well as offering a contact for veterans and their families, the Ex-Soldiers were actively engaged in supporting the local community to improve the area for all.  The current bench at Bemersyde Crescent was installed in 2010 as a gift to the people of Selkirk to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the formation of Selkirk Ex-Soldiers Association and was now beyond economical repair through fair wear and tear.  The estimated total cost of the purchase and installation of the new bench was £1,300.  The balance of the funds required would be raised by the Associations own efforts.  Members were in support of the application.



AGREED to grant to Selkirk Ex-Soldiers Association the total sum requested of £400 towards the purchase and installation of a new bench at Bemersyde Crescent.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

Council Headquarters Newtown St. Boswells Melrose TD6 0SA

Tel: 0300 100 1800


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