Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Our Plan and Your Part In It: SBC's Corporate Performance and Improvement Report (Quarter 3 2018-19)

Consider report by the Chief Executive presenting a high level summary of Scottish Borders Council’s performance during Q3 2018/19 and presentation on the performance of the Community Action Team (CAT) during Q3 2018/19.  (Copy attached).


5.1       With reference to paragraph 5 of the Minute of Executive Committee dated 20 November 2018, there had circulated copies of a report by the Chief Executive presenting a summary of Scottish Borders Council’s quarterly performance information with details contained within Appendices 1a, 1b, and 2 of the report.  The report also included reporting on the progress of change and improvement across the Council, replacing what was the separate Corporate Transformation report.  Council had approved a revised Corporate Plan (Our Plan and Your Part in it 2018-2023) in February 2018, with four corporate themes. In order to monitor progress against the four themes, a review of performance and context information would be undertaken quarterly and presented to Executive Committee.  Section 4 provided a summary of the progress of Change and Improvement projects, with further information contained in Appendix 1a to the report.  Change and Improvement Projects were monitored on a weekly basis by Corporate Management Team and through the SBC Financial Plan and associated monitoring.  Section 5 set out any additions or changes to SBC performance indicators in this report, followed by a high level summary of performance in Section 6, with details provided in Appendix 1b to the report.  To reflect the significant investment made by the Council during 2018/19, an overview of the work and impact of Police Scotland’s Community Action Team was provided at Section 7 and within Appendix 2 to the report.  The information contained within the report and appendices was also made available on the Council website using the public facing part of SBC’s Performance Management software (Pentana).  This could be accessed at


5.2       The Service Director Customer & Communities gave a brief introduction on the detailed report and advised Members that the report reflected the four corporate themes with the focus on two key projects mainly Garden View and Waverley Care Home as the major projects in terms of outcomes and performance indicators.  CMT regularly reviewed the progress of all transformational projects tied in to financial monitoring on what was achieved on a temporary and permanent basis and, due to the financial challenges the Council had, the overall change programmes.  The Senior Business Services Officer, Mr Collison summarised the successes and challenges outlined within the report.  In the ensuing discussion, Members commended the very detailed report showing transformation and performance indicators and the cut across over a number of services.  Mrs Craig reported that the reports would be expanded on the performance of Universal Credit, Waste & Recycling Services and further discussions would be held on the Occupancy Rates of Industrial and Commercial Units owned by the Council.  It was noted that Members requested a wider discussion on the reduced figures on Food Waste Recycling at a future meeting.  The Safer Communities Community Justice Manager, Mr Jones reported that the Community Action Team (CAT) had been broken down to 5 localities and in Quarters 1, 2 and 3 there had been 2,650 recorded group 1-5 crimes and offences, a 2.9% decrease on the previous year. They had issued 172 parking tickets and carried out 94 hours of High Visibility foot patrols and 173 hours of mobile patrols.  There had been a noticeable upward trend of drug searches on persons and premises. Overall these were extremely encouraging results.  





(a)          note the progress update relating to Change and Improvement Projects, referenced in Section 4 and detailed further in Appendix 1a to the report;


(b)          note the changes to performance indicators outlined in Section 5 of this report; and


(c)          acknowledge and note the performance summarised in Sections 6 and 7 of the report, and detailed within Appendices 1b and 2 and the action that was being taken within services to improve or maintain performance.


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Scottish Borders Council

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