Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Economic Development Update

Presentation on recent Economic Development progress by the Chief Officer Economic Development.  (Briefing note attached.)


2.1       With reference to paragraph 3 of the Minute of 17 April 2018, there had been circulated copies of a briefing note providing an update on recent Economic Development activities. The Chief Officer Economic Development, Mr McGrath, summarised the main points. With regard to business activity during the quarter, Business Gateway had assisted 129 business start-ups and 11 of these had met the new classification of “Early Stage” growth.  Advisers had delivered 22 Start-up workshops and 22 Growth workshops to 418 attendees.  Business Gateway was promoting services available and in total 67 Intermediary visits had been held.  Further General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Masterclass workshops were held during the period.  Business Gateway Advisers had facilitated 10 Digital Boost 1-2-1s for clients with another 10 pending, against a target of 15.  The Scottish Borders Business Fund had received 17 applications between 16 March 2018 and 15 October 2018.  10 grants to the value of £33,409.56 had been approved with a forecast economic impact of £325,373.50 GVA and potential creation of 14 jobs.  For the same period, the Scottish Borders Business Loan Fund approved 3 applications and approved 1 loan to the value of £20,000 with a forecast economic impact of £21,790 GVA and potential creation of 0.5 jobs.


2.2       Regeneration updates were set out as part of the Town Centre Regeneration Action Plan 2018/19 with the Hawick Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) details provided at paragraph 4 below.  Mr McGrath advised Members that the Selkirk CARS scheme would be completed in late Spring 2018 and related Town Centre Streetscape project and Court House stonework repairs completed over the Summer / Autumn 2018.  An Economic Impact Appraisal had been undertaken as part of the final assessment for the project which highlighted a number of points that showed the impact and evidence of the identified work to justify future generation schemes.  Selkirk BID scheme was at implementation stage and had established a new Selkirk Business Improvement District Board with 7 town centre businesses represented. The conservation scheme in Jedburgh had just started with the first funded repair projects on site in Jedburgh with more to follow in Autumn 2018.  Hawick Business Growth Project planning and development work was well underway.  A planning application had been submitted for the demolition of the former Armstrong’s department store building and two former church buildings in Teviot Crescent to seek approval to create a new three-storey building.  The new Hawick Textiles Training Centre for Excellence aimed to tackle a critical skills shortage in textile companies.  A new Centre Manager started on 5 November 2018 and progress was well underway to make a real impact for Hawick and the Scottish Borders.  Hawick Marketing Project was a new initiative led by a Steering Group made up of local businesses which was a positive step forward to highlight partnership and good engagement.  Three applications had been submitted at the first stage of the application process for the Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant Fund 2018 which was aimed to provide new and/or improved infrastructure.  The deadline for the second stage was early December 2018 and notification would be given to applicants of funding recommendations by the end of February 2019.  BID for Galashiels was progressing well with their final electioneering campaign to the run-up to the ballot on 29 November 2018.  Tweed Valley Tourism BID had appointed 2 part-time managers and aim to progress to ballot in October 2019.


2.3       Mr McGrath reported that Scottish Borders Council had been successful in their application to the VisitScotland Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund for improvements to the Eildon Hill upland pathways. Work was planned for new visitor welcome signage for both Galashiels and Selkirk Town Centres. The Council had supported a number of strategic events over the Spring and Summer of 2018 to develop and increase visitor numbers and economic impact.  European Funding was available through the Scottish Borders LEADER and European Maritime Fisheries Fund 2014-2020 programmes. Applicants whose grant funding was agreed and contracted by June 2019 would be able to complete their projects. 


2.4       Property enquiries received to date were 99 and had resulted in 21 new leases which would generate £73.7k in annual rental income for the Council. Occupancy levels for the last quarter (July to September 2018) were 87%.  In response to a question on the cost of disposal of the properties, Mr McGrath responded that he would provide this information for the Committee.  It was noted that although it had previously been agreed to refresh the Scottish Borders Economic Strategy 2023 it was now considered that it was no longer appropriate to carry out a full revision of the strategy due to the extensive work and significant uncertainties around the economic impact of Brexit.  However, it was proposed to update the action plan.  An updated action plan would be submitted to the Executive Committee at their meeting on 29 January 2019.


2.5       Mr Dickson and Mr McGrath answered Members questions on a number of matters.  With regard to the dangerous building in Jedburgh it was noted that the Council were working with partners to resolve the issue and a meeting had been held with Ward Members to discuss the way forward.  With regard to the timescales around the works in Hawick Members were advised that this was in the planning process and once approved the timeline to deliver would be finalised.  A “Made in Hawick” Project Manager had been appointed and met with a number of businesses to develop a website and social media around the campaign.  In response to a question on progress with the proposed distillery in Jedburgh, Mr Dickson advised he would obtain an update for Members.  Concerns were expressed that the CARS Scheme in Selkirk still had a number of minor works outstanding and it was agreed they would be taken back to the Project Manager for completion in advance of the official opening.   With regard to progress on the Great Tapestry of Scotland Building it was reported that work was progressing positively and within the next 2 weeks the tender would be awarded for the construction work.



NOTED the update.



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