Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Any Other Items which the Chairman Decides are Urgent



Under Section 50B(4)(b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the Chairman was of the opinion that the item dealt with in the following paragraph should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency, in view of the need to make an early decision.        



There had been circulated copies of a report by the Executive Director outlining the Business Improvement District (BID) proposal for Galashiels, which had been developed by Galashiels Chamber of Trade in conjunction with Energise Galashiels.  The report highlighted the role and contribution from the Council and recommended appropriate support.  Business Improvement District (BID) initiatives were promoted by the Scottish Government to support sustainable economic growth.  The Principal Officer (Regeneration) advised that there were currently around 39 BIDs operating across Scotland, including in Selkirk.  A range of measures were being developed to stimulate economic development activity around the Borders Railway as part of the Borders Railway Blueprint Plan. The Galashiels Town Centre BID business plan had a range of projects in four themed areas including ‘Developing Events & Attractions, ‘Promoting a Vibrant Galashiels’, ‘Creating a Welcoming Environment’ and ‘Business Development’.  The BID levy would provide an estimated £190,000 per annum to deliver the projects within the 5 year business plan. A Steering Group would progress with a positive and proactive campaigning programme in the run up to the ballot date, on 29 November 2018, to encourage as many positive votes as possible. If the BID ballot was successful, the BID business plan would be implemented over a five year period.  The proposal was being led by the local business community.  Its key aim was to contribute to the overall regeneration of Galashiels with a particular focus on increasing footfall in the heart of the town centre.   In the discussion that followed Members commented on the interest and engagement within the town in support of the proposal which was being managed by an enthusiastic and very capable steering group.  In response to a question about the precise area covered by the BID proposal the Principal Officer agreed to circulate a map to Members to provide that information.





(a)        to support the Galashiels Town Centre Business Improvement District         (BID), noting the intended ballot date of 29 November 2018;


(b)        that the Council’s Democratic Services Team manage the BID Ballot process and the Council’s Customer Service Team provide the   financial management of the  BID levy on the basis of full cost recovery;


(c)        to note the financial implications of £5,476 per annum for the Council for      its BID Levy contribution and to support the BID initiative with ‘Yes’      votes for its properties;


(d)        to note that, subject to a  ballot result in favour of the proposal,  Council       would appoint an Elected Member to represent the Council on the       Galashiels BID Levy Board, along with a Council officer for advisory         support; and


(e)        that the Principal Officer (Regeneration) circulate to Members a map of         the area covered by the BID proposal.



Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

Council Headquarters Newtown St. Boswells Melrose TD6 0SA

Tel: 0300 100 1800


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