Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Theme: Our Health Care and Wellbeing

A facilitated discussion on the subject in order to put forward a set of initial outcomes for Cheviot, Further information on local data and statistics.


3.0     Theme:  Our Health, Care and Wellbeing

3.1     The Chair presented the theme for the meeting – Our Health, Care and Wellbeing – and introduced Robert McCulloch-Graham, Chief Officer Health and Social Care Integration, Dr Tim Patterson, Director of Public Health and Fiona Doig – Strategic Lead- ADP and Health Improvement who would provide some background and further information about health, care and wellbeing across the Scottish Borders.  Dr Patterson highlighted the need for engagement with Communities and for partnership working and explained that keeping communities healthy was a key priority going forward.  People in the Scottish Borders generally had a healthy and long life.  There was an increase in Type 2 diabetes across the Scottish Borders but there were no statistics which stood out in terms of specific health issues within Cheviot.  Mental health and personal contentment were very important to individuals and communities.  People in the Borders as a whole appeared to feel supported from within their own communities. 


3.2     Robert McCulloch-Graham provided some background on the establishment of the Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board (IJB) and the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), explaining that the IJB commissioned health and social care services across the Scottish Borders and the HSCP was responsible for delivering those services.  The HSCP Strategic Plan for 2016-2019 was developed following widespread consultation across communities in the Scottish Borders and identified nine local objectives for service delivery.  Since then, the Plan had been reviewed and simplified and would be presented to the IJB during week commencing 11 June 2018.  The new Plan highlighted three main objectives for the Scottish Borders, namely to improve:- the health of the population and reduce the number of hospital admissions; the flow of patients into, through and out of hospital; and the capacity within the community for people who had been in receipt of health and social care services to better manage their own conditions and support those who cared for them.  The challenge for the HSCP would be to deliver services according to these refreshed objectives.  There were also five Locality Plans which had been developed from the Strategic Plan and all Plans would be available on the web once they had been finalised.


3.3     Work was ongoing to look at ways in which services could be redesigned on a local level to meet the needs of communities and taking account of the different demographics. 


3.4     Colin Banks, Lead Officer for Localities explained that the meeting would now move into the discussion session.  As previously, there were information packs available for each group and those present were invited to consider the question “What are the key challenges, issues or opportunities for health, care and wellbeing in Cheviot”.  Thirty minutes were allocated for group discussion and each table was asked to note down the responses on the post-it notes provided.  These responses would then be collated at the end of the discussion and outcomes circulated with the Minute of the meeting in due course.  Following a short break, those present went on to discuss some of the most common points identified.  A further 20 minutes were allocated to allow each table to discuss and decide what the most important priorities for health, care and wellbeing in Cheviot were and what actions could be taken to take these priorities forward.  The post-it notes from this session were also collected and again, the groups were advised that responses would be circulated with the Minute of the meeting.  The Appendix to this Minute contained a summary of the output of the discussions.


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Scottish Borders Council

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