Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Economic Development Update

Presentation on recent Economic Development progress by the Chief Officer Economic Development.  (Briefing note attached.)


With reference to paragraph 1 of the Minute of 19 September 2017, there had been circulated copies of a briefing note providing an update on recent Economic Development activities. The Chief Officer Economic Development, Mr McGrath, summarised the main points.   With regard to business activity during the quarter, the first Scottish Borders Business Conference was held in October 2017 with 140 businesses attending.  Following the event, there had been 12 requests from businesses to work with Business Gateway.  In terms of Regeneration, a Jedburgh Marketing/Tourism business group had been established to help improve and promote the town centre.  The Group was progressing the development of a town website, new visitor leaflets, pop-up displays for empty shops and town entry signage.  Two applications had been submitted for a Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant Fund 2017 from Regenerating Galashiels – Great Tapestry of Scotland, and Eastgate Theatre Extension & Refurbishment, Peebles.  Notification would be given to applicants of funding recommendations by the end of February 2018.  The Tweed Valley Tourism Consortium had been successful in securing Scottish Government Seedcorn funding for the development of a Tweed Valley Tourism Business Improvement District. 


Under the Tourism and Events section of the update, Mr McGrath advised that the Cabinet Secretary, Fiona Hyslop, had met with the Scottish Borders Tourism Partnership.  Included in discussions were opportunities around the Tapestry and the vision for future tourism growth.  With regard to Funding, Mr McGrath clarified that European funding continued to be available through the Scottish Borders LEADER and European Maritime Fisheries Fund 2014-2020 programmes.  The LEADER Local Action Group had approved grant funding of £1.62m in 2017.  Up to 10 applications were expected for consideration in January 2018.  The Forth Fisheries Local Action Group had recommended six projects to Marine Scotland, committing £264k of funding.  In terms of Property and Projects, Mr McGrath advised that work had commenced at the Galalaw Business Park with completion scheduled for summer 2019.  To conclude, Mr McGrath advised that under the Low Carbon Economic Strategy, 30 businesses had been referred to Resource Efficient Scotland.   The businesses were at various stages in the assessment process from initial request to audit completion and implementation. 


Members requested clarification around the detail behind the figures supplied; Mr McGrath responded that with regard to Business Gateway he did not have the exact number of referrals from intermediaries (e.g. bank managers, accountants) but this was considered an effective way of working as they were able to highlight to businesses the advantages and services of Business Gateway.  The economic impact of the Scottish Borders Business Fund and Business Loan Fund was calculated using the overall spend of each project and applying a multiplier, grants were always of a smaller amount.  The spectator figures for the Tour of Britain Cycling event had been supplied by the organisers, using a methodology standard to all their events.    With regard to bank closures, Mr McGrath advised that planning officers recognised the impact on town centres and this would be reflected in the Main Issues Report (MIR) and Local Development Plan.   In respect of digital connectivity and the additional funding announced by Scottish Government, the Chairman advised that this would not be directly provided, but was a fund in which local authorities could bid. Officers would be presenting a report in January 2018 to the Executive Committee with further information on the position of the Borders with regard to broadband coverage.   



NOTED the update.


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