Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Updates on Delivery Teams


5.1       Economy and Low Carbon

Rob Dickson advised that the group had met on Tuesday 5th September.  They had agreed the structure of the economic profile and the economic strategy was being refreshed.  A draft would be available by the end of the year with final approval by February 2018.  Input from partners would be required and the importance of this work had increased following the announcement of the South of Scotland Enterprise Agency.



5.2    Reducing Inequalities

Donna Manson advised that the last meeting at all of the outcomes for accommodated and looked after children.  The Group was building its own ‘dashboard’ and looking at target setting in that area.  A presentation had been given by the Transitions Project who provided supported accommodation for 18-25 year olds in Galashiels which provided a concierge to help those young people.  She asked that the Board also consider receiving the presentation.  The unsuccessful funding application was to be appealed.  With regard to a recent discussion with Joe Griffin, there was a renewed national commitment and structure to deal with child poverty.  Funding was being sought for a Transitions Project (school to college and college to work).  It was proposed that details of the Transitions Project be brought to the next meeting of the Board to seek support.  Funding applications were more likely to be successful if they were submitted on a partnership basis.  It was noted that Scottish Borders had the lowest average wages in Scotland and were currently ranked 29 out of 32 in terms of meeting the attainment gap.  It was further proposed that the Chief Executive of SBC write to Andy Bruce at Scottish Government to seek the involvement of relevant Government officers for the event on 23 November. Marjorie Hume commented on inequalities as they applied to older people particularly those who lived in a rural area. Mrs Manson agreed that having a representative of older people on the group would be considered.


(a)     Item on the Transitions Project be included on the agenda for the next meeting.

(b)     Chief Executive of SBC to write to Andy Bruce at Scottish Government re Government participation at the event on 23 November.

(c)     Consider membership of Reducing Inequalities Group to include representative of older people.


5.3       Future Services

Nile Istephan advised that the group had not met over the summer.  However, it was expected that the Estate and Property registers would be published by 1 October and this would give Community Groups the opportunity to consider taking over underused buildings.  Following publication of this document there should be specific discussions regarding the use of buildings for co-location and the disposal of surplus assets.  He expected that as services began to be delivered in a different way that more property would become surplus.  The Community Benefit and Procurement Group had now been stood down as they had completed their remit, although this group still operated outwith the CP Partnership.  He also reported on the development of training and a leadership academy for all partners.  It was planned to use the skills of Borders College but would need collective buy-in to make the development worthwhile and any support to get all organisations around the table would help to make it work.  A sub-group was working on a package of branding which each agency could then tailor it to their needs.  With regard to allowing people to access more services through digital means, this was something that also needed to be worked on collectively to make more of an impact.




Scottish Borders Council

Council Headquarters Newtown St. Boswells Melrose TD6 0SA

Tel: 0300 100 1800


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