Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Economic Development Update.

Presentation on recent Economic Development progress by the Chief Officer Economic Development. (Briefing Note attached).



Councillor Davidson joined the meeting during consideration of the following item of business.


2.1              Copies of a briefing note providing an update on recent Economic Development activity had been circulated with the agenda.  The update gave a summary of figures in relation to Business Gateway activity; the Scottish Borders Business Fund; Scottish Borders Business Loan Fund; Employer Recruitment Incentive; and Scottish Borders Council property leases. The update also covered recent developments in relation to town centre regeneration; tourism and event support; and European Funding programmes.   The Chief Officer Economic Development, Bryan McGrath, highlighted the main points. With regard to leases of Council-owned property there had been 178 property enquiries received in 2014/15 which was an increase of nearly 20% on 2013/14.  The current occupancy level was 91% for the portfolio of industrial units, yards and shops.  Members welcomed Mr McGrath’s advice that a fuller update on the Council-owned industrial and commercial property would be provided in a report to the next Executive Committee meeting, and that this would include reference to units not fit for purpose.  With regard to tourism support, the final report of the Tourism Destination Audit for Midlothian and the Scottish Borders would be presented at a Joint Area Partnership meeting on 28 May 2015.  Mr McGrath assured Members that, although driven by the Borders Railway Blueprint, the Destination Audit would work with VisitScotland and look at tourism impact for the whole Borders area. The east of the region would not be excluded.  The importance was also recognised of using Tweedbank and the Great Tapestry development as a hub from which to provide links to other tourist destinations and attractions in the Borders.


2.2              The continuing support for cycling events within the Borders was noted within the update.  The Chairman commented that cycle event support was a team effort including input from other Council services and that in particular the speed of response from Neighbourhood Services to clean road surfaces prior to a cycling event had been complimented.  Mr Henderson welcomed the proposed cycling strategy for the Scottish Borders to address infrastructure, events, promotion, transport, tourism and cycle friendly business support. Mr McGrath advised that the intention was to report back with a succinct strategy later in the year.  Discussion continued on the delay of Scottish Government plans for the launch of the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020 which was referred to in the update.  Concern was expressed at the delay in view of the significant streams of money involved and the projects that could be affected.  Members also had views that the initiative by Marine Scotland to consider implementing local development funding on a regional basis and to extend the coastal area to include Fife with the Borders and East Lothian was misguided. Concern about this had been expressed through the Fisheries Local Action Group as this was understood to be a local fund.  This could have an impact on the development of Eyemouth Harbour, with its changing dynamics.  It was stressed that there was still an opportunity to feed in views on a formal and informal basis.  Mr McGrath was asked to bring a report to a future meeting of the Executive with a proposal on how to move forward in respect of the EMFF 2014-2020 and the delayed implementation.



(a)            NOTED:-


(i)       the update;


(ii)       that a report on Council-owned industrial and commercial property would be presented to the next Executive Committee meeting.


(b)                AGREED that reports be brought back to a future meeting of the Executive  Committee with regard to:-


(i)       a cycling strategy for the Scottish Borders; and


(ii)       an update in respect of the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020 with an indication of the way forward for the Scottish Borders.


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Scottish Borders Council

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