Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Transformational Programme


Mrs Elaine Torrance presented the proposed integration transformation programme and highlighted several key elements including: the financial context for 2017/18; drivers for change; proposed outcomes and objectives; challenges and risks; and the next steps.


Dr Stephen Mather suggested one of the key issues was the demand led rather than budget led situation and he suggested changing the culture of the population and the service deliverers to provide something that was sufficient rather than luxury.


Mrs Karen Hamilton echoed Dr Mather’s suggestion and commented that there was a need to support and empower those making decisions.


Mr John McLaren commented that communication and engagement were key to the success of the transformational programme and he enquired if the programme was being taken forward separately to the programmes within NHS Borders and Scottish Borders Council. 


Mrs Torrance concurred that communication and engagement were key elements to success and commented on the delivery of work being taken forward in partnership and areas that could be improved such as home carers using medication dispensers, investment in developing technological solutions to create savings and efficiencies. 


Mrs Jane Davidson commented on the need to pool resources and the transformational plans between the three bodies to ensure the Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board (IJB) could successfully commission and direct change in the delegated functions of both NHS Borders and Scottish Borders Council.


The Chair commented that the overlaps with transformational programmes into core services within Scottish Borders Council and NHS Borders would also need to be taken into account.  She gave the example of changes to bus transportation, which was not within the delegated functions to the IJB, but any changes would have an effect on the IJB in terms of people getting to hospital appointments.


Mr John Raine commented that transformational change programmes were designed to do more with less and he urged that both NHS Borders and Scottish Borders Council’s programmes be taken into account in formulating and finalising the IJB commissioning plan and monitoring thereof.


Mrs Torrance agreed that both bodies transformational programmes would be taken into account to ensure that the overarching commissioning plan would be achievable.


Mr Murray Leys also urged that both bodies transformational programmes be brought together to ensure they were complimentary and he suggested co-location at an operational level be pursued.


Mr David Davidson commented that it was up to the partner bodies to work together to deliver the commissioned services within the agreed budget envelope.  He suggested that it would be the Executive Management Team that produced the final plans and recommendations for the IJB to approve.


Mrs Jenny Smith suggested there should be third sector input to the Executive Management Team as both commissioning and decommissioning decisions would be made at that level.  She further enquired where the Clinical Boards would link into the transformational agenda.


Mrs Torrance commented that as the programme was developed a supporting communication and engagement plan would form part of the underpinning process and provide the opportunity to link to the Clinical Boards, Joint Staff Forum and a range of other areas.  She suggested providing a progress update to the next meeting of the IJB.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD noted the presentation and agreed to receive an update at the next meeting.




Scottish Borders Council

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