Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room 2/3, Council Headquarters, Newtown St. Boswells and via Microsoft Teams
Contact: William Mohieddeen Tel: 01835 826504; Email:
Link: Teams Live Event
No. | Item | ||||||
Consider Minute of the Meeting held on 4 December 2023 for approval and signature by the Chair. (Copy attached.) Minutes: There had been circulated copies of the Minute of the Meeting held on 4 December 2023.
DECISION AGREED to approve the Minute for signature by the Chair.
Consider the following applications for planning permission: Additional documents:
Minutes: There had been circulated copies of the Minute of the Meeting held on 4 December 2023.
DECISION AGREED to approve the Minute for signature by the Chair.
Supplementary Planning Guidance: Newstead Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan PDF 159 KB Consider report by Director Infrastructure and Environment. (Copy attached.) Additional documents:
Minutes: There had been circulated copies of a report by Director Infrastructure and Environment that sought adoption of the Newstead Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan as Supplementary Planning Guidance, following public consultation. A Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (CAA & MP) aimed to identify the special architectural and historic interest of a conservation area and provide guidance on its management. CAA & MPs were intended to provide clarity in the planning process, provide robust decision-making under adopted planning policy, inform local communities, promote the heritage of the area, and may assist funding applications. They fulfilled the Council’s statutory duty to review its area for conservation area designation and to formulate proposals for their preservation and enhancement. Newstead CAA & MP was the first of a proposed programme for review of all 43 conservation areas in the Scottish Borders. The Draft Newstead CAA & MP was subject to public consultation for a period of 12 weeks from 22 May – 14 August 2023. A public meeting was held on 13th June and nine comments were received in response to the consultation. These responses were reviewed and used to inform a finalised CAA & MP. This finalised CAA & MP, in Appendix A of the report, was recommended for adoption as Supplementary Planning Guidance. The Heritage and Design Officer and Lead Heritage and Design Officer summarised the report and answered Members’ questions. The Heritage and Design Officer advised that the purpose of the report was to provide clarity for homeowners, developers and planners to know what is trying to be achieved in the conversation area. Community feedback was summarised in the report and included concerns about creeping change in the conservation area and clarity over what the conservation area meant for the community. The Chair thanked officers for the level of detail into the report.
Adopt the Newstead Conservation Area Appraisal
and Management Plan as Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Local
Development Plan; and, (b) Authorise the Chief Planning Officer to monitor and review the CAA & MP and to make such minor revisions as are necessary during its lifetime to ensure that the document remains up-to-date and consistent with any change in local circumstances and with prevailing planning policy.
Appeals and Reviews PDF 164 KB Consider Briefing Note by Chief Planning and Housing Officer. (Copy attached.) Minutes: There had been circulated copies of a briefing note by the Chief Planning and Housing Officer on Appeals to the Scottish Ministers and Local Review.
An appeal decision had been received in respect
of Erection of Advert on Gable, 2 Gladstone Street, Hawick –
23/00041/ADVERT – reporter’s decision:
sustained; (b)
There remained 1 appeal previously reported on
which a decision was still awaited when this report was prepared on
18 December 2023 which related to a site at Land East of Kirkwell
House, Preston Road, Duns; (c)
Review requests had been received in respect
of: (i)
Erection of dwellinghouse, Land West of The
Garden House, Brieryyards, Hornshole Bridge, Hawick –
22/00532/PPP; (ii)
Erection of dwellinghouse with access and
associated works, Land East of Mos Eisley, Teviothead –
23/01007/PPP; (iii)
Erection of dwellinghouse, Land Adjacent Carnlea,
Main Street, Heiton – 23/01065/FUL; (d)
The following reviews had been determined as
shown: (i)
Proposed change of use for Units 8-2 and 8-3 to
mixed use include Classes 1 and 10, U-Stor Business Units, Spylaw
Road, Kelso – 23/00325/FUL – Decision of Appointed
Officer Overturned (Subject to Conditions and
Informative); (ii)
Erection of boundary fence (retrospective), 24 -
1 Ettrick Terrace, Hawick – 23/00847/FUL – Decision of
Appointed Officer Overturned (Subject to Conditions) (e) There remained 5 reviews previously reported on which decisions were still awaited when the report was prepared on 18 December 2023 which related to sites at:
(f) There remained one Section 36 Public Local Inquiry previously reported on which a decision was still awaited when the report was prepared on 18 December 2023 which related to a site at Land West of Castleweary (Faw Side Community Wind Farm), Fawside, Hawick. |