Scottish Borders Council

Issue - meetings

Hawick Flood Protection Scheme

Meeting: 21/03/2017 - Teviot and Liddesdale Area Forum (Item 5)

Hawick Flood Protection Scheme

Presentation by Project Manager for Hawick Flood Protection Scheme.


Ewan Doyle, Project Manager, Hawick Flood Protection Scheme was present at the Forum to update on the Hawick Flood Protection Scheme.  Mr Doyle advised that in 2013 the Project Team had obtained Council approval to develop the Scheme through the Outline Design stage.   He highlighted that the objectives of the Scheme included: protection of Hawick against flooding from the River Teviot; protection against flooding from the Slitrig Water between Drumlanrig Bridge and where it joined the Teviot;  provision of a uniform level of protection of 1 in 75 year flood event; provision of new flood gates and embankments.  Mr Doyle explained that the Scheme would protect 930 residential and commercial properties against the risk of flooding.   The Project Team were also considering opportunities to maximise cultural, heritage, educational, and tourism opportunities.  For example by the provision of glass panels in walls to retain a visual connection with the Teviot.  Mr Doyle added that the Scheme had also received £10k funding from Sustrans to investigate the feasibility of cycleways through the town.


Consultation on the Scheme had taken place with stakeholders and the community over the past two years, to alleviate concerns and to take action on any issues raised.  Mr Doyle explained that 2017 was a critical year for the Project; in April the Final Outline Design would be published, there would be a 28 day consultation period for the public to comment on the Scheme. To facilitate the consultation, the Project Team were currently in the process of land referencing which involved 4,000 letters being sent to owners and occupiers throughout the town.   If at this stage, there were any objections to the Scheme, this could result in an Inquiry situation which could add months to the Project and even jeopardise the Scheme.  However, if there were no objections, a final report to Council would be presented in September.  This would allow Scottish Government to release the funding for the Scheme.  Mr Doyle concluded his presentation by advising than if anyone had any comments or concerns regarding the Scheme, they should speak to the Project Team.   The Chairman thanked Mr Doyle for the informative update.


In response to a question regarding the disruption to the town and traffic management issues, Mr Doyle stated that the recent works at Commercial Road showed the types of disruption that might occur; parts of the road could be closed from time to time with up to six months work required in this area.   The contractor would be required to maintain access at all times to properties and businesses with appropriate signage and diversion routes.   He further advised that the structure would be of thick steel which would installed in the river bedrock and not be affected by tree roots.  It was noted that the Liddesdale Road concerns, although not included in the Scheme, would be addressed elsewhere.  Finally, Mr Doyle reassured that the flood works would not negatively affect villages upstream or downstream from Hawick.



NOTED the presentation.




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