Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Options for the Future Provision of Public Conveniences across the Scottish Borders

Consider report by Service Director Neighbourhood Services proposing a strategy for the future provision of Public Conveniences in the Scottish Borders (copies attached of report and appendices).


7.1       With reference to paragraph 13 of the Scottish Borders Council Minute of 30 January 2014 and paragraph 8 of the Scottish Borders Council Minute of 11 February 2016, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Service Director Neighbourhood Services proposing a strategy for the future provision of Public Conveniences in the Scottish Borders.  The strategy was being put forward in order that improvements could be made to facilities and the savings approved by Scottish Borders Council in February 2016 could be achieved.  The report explained that in January 2014 the Council approved a review of Neighbourhood Operations Services, including Public Conveniences.  In February 2016, savings totalling £211k were specified and approved for Public Conveniences to be delivered during the current and next financial year.  These were defined as part of a large range of savings to ensure that SBC met the current financial challenges it faced. The report evaluated a number of options and recommended the best way forward. Officers had collected a range of data and information, both from within the Borders and from other Local Authorities, which was used to inform the options being presented within the report. The recommended option was to charge 30p for use at certain toilets in phase 1, which would provide income of £211k to offset the savings.  In parallel officers would engage with local Members and the communities to explore the possibility of developing Comfort Schemes and Community Partnerships.  If feasible, a further report would be brought forward on this which would outline plans for phase 2 to deliver a further £100k of savings. Appendices to the report detailed a financial appraisal of each option presented, alternatives to current public toilets in each settlement within the Borders, should the Comfort Scheme approach be taken forward, a draft agreement for the provision of toilet facilities by a Service Provider and an example of a leaflet promoting the Comfort Scheme in another Local Authority Area.  Also attached to the report was an Equality Impact Assessment in relation to the review.


7.2       Members discussed the report and received answers to their questions from the Service Director and Neighbourhood Area Manager.  There was general agreement with the approach outlined in Option 5 in the report and recognition that charging for access to facilities would also be an opportunity to raise standards.  The Neighbourhood Area Manager confirmed that the proposal was to install robust automated cash collection machines and that the kit would be transferrable.  However there was some concern that there was insufficient detail in the report to enable a decision to be made.  This related to the list of Public Conveniences for which a charge would be made, the accuracy of the list of alternatives to current public toilets which could be approached in relation to Comfort Schemes and an assessment of the type and location of Public Conveniences currently in use.  Officers were asked for a provisional list of Public Conveniences for which charging was proposed.



The meeting was adjourned at 12.10 p.m. and reconvened at 12.20 p.m. to enable the information requested to be provided.


7.3       After consideration of the additional information, Members’ opinion remained divided.




Councillor Paterson, seconded by Councillor Edgar, moved approval of the recommendations of the report.


Councillor Bhatia, seconded by Councillor Parker, moved as an amendment that the report be deferred for provision of further detail and to enable consultation with the public on the proposals.


On a show of hands Members voted as follows:-


Motion             - 7 votes

Amendment     - 5 votes


The motion was accordingly approved.





(a)          to approve the Phase 1 proposal to charge for usage of a number of identified toilet facilities;


(b)          to approve a charge of 30p per use as detailed in option 5 of Appendix 4 to the report, in respect of the list of Public Conveniences attached as an Appendix to this Minute;


(c)          that the Service Director Neighbourhood Services engaged with local Members and communities on the longer term provision of toilets and the possibility for Comfort Schemes and Community Partnerships; and


(d)          that a further report be brought forward outlining recommendations for phase 2, Future Options for the Provision of Public Conveniences across the Scottish Borders.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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