Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Integrated Care Fund Update

Interim Chief Financial Officer


Mrs Susan Manion highlighted some key points being: agreements reached so far in relation to projects; projects to be progressed in support of the Implementation Plan; mapping against outcomes and investment; and locality plans and developing resources.  She further touched on Locality Management, Community Led Support and the Matching Unit.


The Chair suggested going through each of the five projects in turn and taking questions.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD approved theDelivery of the Localities Plan Project.


In regard to the Locality Management Pilot, Mr John McLaren expressed his anxiety on how the pilot would be progressed given the differences in staff engagement processes within both parent bodies.  Mrs Jeanette McDiarmid noted the concern and confirmed that the local authority would engage with the unions at the start of the pilot and prior to any implementation.  Mrs Carol Gillie advised that she and Mrs McDiarmid would ensure due process was followed in order to address Mr McLaren concerns. 


The Chair suggested any feedback and learning from Mr McLaren around the process would potentially be useful for the future.


Mrs Elaine Torrance reminded the Board of the linkages to the Joint Staff Forum and suggested all of the projects would be of interest to the Joint Staff Forum.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD approved the Locality Management Pilot. 


In regard to the Health & Social Care Coordination Project, Mrs Manion advised that the project was linked to the Locality Management pilot in the sense that it was the implementation of the implementation plan for models of care, she clarified it was about individuals taking responsibility for essentially holding the strings on a number of patients pathways to ensure they were followed. 


Mrs Evelyn Rodger whilst supportive of the principles of locality managers, was keen to understand how much of the resources had gone in to support managers.  She suggested it would be helpful to have that mapped out, in order to be clear on what was available, what had been delivered and what might be needed in the future.  The Chair further commented that it should also include release of funding from other areas to support that moving forward.


Mr McLaren questioned the sustainability of continuity of service if it related to one individual.  He further queried how realistic, one year was in order to be able to demonstrate delivery against the objectives in the plan.  Mrs Manion confirmed that the intention was to put 2 to 3 items together to make it as robust and sustainable and systemic as possible and not just reliant on individuals. 


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD approved the Health & Social Care Coordination Project. 


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD approved the Community Led Support Project. 


In relation to the Matching Unit Project, Cllr Sandy Aitchison enquired if the £115k contained all of the expenditure for staff, etc.  Mrs Manion confirmed that the infrastructure already existed and the project was about social workers moving to a brokerage for placements for individuals and support/care packages.  Mrs Torrance advised that it was also about putting systems in place to be able to reallocate care packages quickly.


Mrs Karen Hamilton sought a more comprehensive breakdown of how costs were achieved to understand if it was a really good piece of work for £115k. 


Mr David Davidson enquired about the risks for each of the projects in meeting the budget requirements.  Mr David Robertson commented that all of the projects were listed in Appendices 2 and 3 and he suggested the inclusion of a RAG status and Risk status for each project, the Appendices could then be used as the overall monitoring report for the projects.


Mrs Jane Robertson advised that there was already in place a process for recording and reviewing risks relating to the projects which could be made available to Board members.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD approved the Matching Unit Project. 


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD approved the increase in funding for the BAES relocation project, which was already underway.   


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD approved the increase in funding for the Health Improvement (phase 1) and extension Project. 


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD noted the report and the progress made to date in the development of the partnership’s transformation programme, in particular, those projects funded from within its Integrated Care Fund programme.


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