Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Additional Support Needs Provision - Statutory Consultation

Consider report by Service Director Children and Young People.  (Copy attached)




Present:-         Mr. J. Walsh, Mr G. Jarvie, Ms A. Ferahi.



Councillor Aitchison chaired the meeting for that part which considered Education business.



With reference to paragraph 4, of the Minute of 24 May 2016, there had been circulated copies of a report by the Service Director Children and Young People which requested approval to undertake a statutory consultation on the formal establishment of the new Additional Support Needs School in Earlston and the formal discontinuation of the spectrum classes at Wilton Primary School and St Ronan’s Primary School; while at the same time undertaking a non-statutory consultation on the naming of the new Additional Support Needs School in Earlston.  The report explained that during informal consultation, both local community stakeholders in Earlston and the parents of children who would be relocating as well as parents of children with additional support needs were very positive about the proposals.  The terms of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 required that, before an education authority implements a “relevant proposal”, it must first comply with the requirements of that Act.  The Proposals to establish the new facility as a school and, to discontinue the spectrum support classes at St Ronan’s and Wilton are each “relevant proposals”.  The Proposal Paper, including the educational benefits statement, was attached as Appendix 1 to the report together with the consultation response form to the Proposal Paper which was attached as Appendix 2 to the report.  At the same time as the formal consultation was being undertaken, it was proposed that a separate non-statutory consultation be undertaken on the naming of the new Additional Support Needs School in Earlston.  The outcome of the non-statutory consultation would be brought back to the Executive Committee in due course for approval.  Michelle Strong, Chief Education Officer was present and answered Members questions. In relation to provision at Langlee and Wilton, it was explained that the new school would enhance the provision at Langlee and at Wilton only the portacabin would be removed.  Questions were asked in terms of children currently placed outwith the Borders area and whether there would be opportunities for staffing within the new school.  In response Ms Strong advised that Children currently placed outwith the Borders would be considered on an individual basis in terms of their needs; the effect moving would have on them; and what was best for them and their families.  The Service Director Children & Young People had already engaged with these Parents and the feedback had been positive.  In terms of staffing the new school, existing staff would be matched to posts but there might be some requirement for additional staff.   In response to a question about capacity, it was explained that in terms of pupils with complex needs, the recommended limit was 8 per class.  However, as not all placements were full-time the facility at Earlston could accommodate around 50 pupils in total.  The Central Overview Group would decide on referrals made in terms of the needs of the individual.  Mr Walsh acknowledged that while the report was very good, there was no recognition of what the church did in terms of Education.  The Depute Chief Executive (People) agreed to take this on board, but advised that the consultation was very prescriptive.  The Chairman confirmed that the facility would be a School and would be named as such, but consultation was very important.  Members requested a visit to the School once it was nearing completion.     



AGREED that:-


(a)     a statutory consultation be undertaken in terms of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 on the proposals to:


          (i)      establish a new additional support needs school in Earlston;


          (ii)     discontinue the spectrum class at Wilton Primary School; and


          (iii)    discontinue the spectrum class at St Ronan’s Primary School.


(b)     following the statutory consultation process, a further report on the Proposals be presented to Scottish Borders Council;


(c)     simultaneously to the statutory consultation as detailed in (a) above, a non-statutory consultation be undertaken on the naming of the new Additional Support Needs School in the village  of Earlston; and


(d)     Elected Members be invited to tour the facility, once it was nearing completion.



Councillors Renton and Brown joined the meeting during consideration of the above item.

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